
My story

Hello everyone. It’s such a pleasure to be in this space and walking along side others in their own journey.

My name is Bryana Alvarez and I am an Integrative Health Practitioner. I focus on trying to find the root cause of your concerns and really dig deep in figuring out why your body is not in balance. By trade I am a Physical Therapist Assistant for almost 10 years now. I have worked in many settings but most of my time has been at a hospital here locally in Corpus. I have two beautiful babies and they are the reason I was led down this journey of holistic and whole body healing approach.
Having a conventional medicine background has really opened my eyes to so many things. Everyday I worked with patients in the hospital I would always be afraid of turning out the way some of my patients were. As the years have gone by the patients kept becoming younger and younger. I started seeing People in their 20’s and 30’s having strokes or heart attacks. I used to think “well I guess this is what I have to look forward to when I get older”
But it wasn’t until I had my own children who had their own set of health issues that my eyes were truly opened. Life doesn’t have to end that way.
My daughter at 8 months old stopped eating, stopped drinking breastmilk, would scream and cry all the time and she stopped using the bathroom. She was not a happy baby and would scream in pain. I knew in my heart SOMETHING WAS WRONG. This is not normal. My mother instincts were telling me I needed to help her.
But no one listened and no one had answers for us. Every doctor we went to told us that it’s normal, a newborn cries, or they gave us medicines to treat the symptoms and sent us on our way. No one could tell me WHY she stopped eating and going to the bathroom.
One doctor even told me he was more worried about ME than my daughter. You better believe after that I LOST IT! I was sooooo angry and furious that our medical system failed me. Failed my daughter. Not more than 6 months later a lady who I give all my credit to, who was also an integrative health practitioner walked into my life.
After all the countless and useless doctors visits she was the ONLY one who helped us figure out why my poor baby girl was suffering. From that moment on is when we began our healing journey. I have always had a passion for helping people but now I have a bigger passion to help people truly find the root cause of their health problems. I want you to know that I hear you, I see you, your questions and concerns are valid and real, and you my friend are NOT crazy.

I am so thankful for this journey God has brought me on. I hope to be able to help you find healing and balance in your life. I cannot wait to meet you.
With all my love
