
Sometimes you have to stop and smell the flowers!

Hello beautiful! My name is Star Richie. I grew up in a small town on a big farm with bigger dreams!
I had a rough past and it’s time I finally start sniffing the flowers. I’m an opened mined person who taught myself a lot.
I taught myself how to do nails. My inspiration on doing nails is the outcome of seeing people smile and giving someone the opportunity for something out of the ordinary!
My flower is growing as a young business owner and being confident! Also being able to help other:that’s the most important!
I joined the best company called Monat. This company is amazing. They have so much ability to help us grow as people and achieve goals in so many ways!It’s a hair,skin,and wellness line.It has proven itself beyond what ever you could imagine your hair to look like! 

Have You thought about a hair routine? I started mine with these products and I feel better then ever!!

Are ready for the next big thing? Well you came to the right spot!

My business I provide the perfect products that are customized to YOUR hair!
By taking the custom hair test and using the products i recommend you won’t believe your eyes! I’m excited!
Monat products are vegan/cruelty free products. Their fragrances are not harmful to your hair. All of the products increase hair growth.
Monat has a 48% decrease in DHT (hormone) that contributes from hair loss. I shared that with you because that’s my journey!
I’m ready to watch your journey!!

Customize Hair Test!

This will allow me to go threw my products and find the perfect match for YOUR hair!

•Female Hustler•

Don’t waste anymore time. Working from WIFI!Cash is this easy ladies and gentlemen!

Are you wondering what i’m posting all the time?

Do you want to follow your dreams by becoming your OWN boss?. I am my OWN BO$$. I work for a company called monat. I put MY time,effort,and tears in to this. My dream is helping others reach their long term goal! This opportunity will allow me to peruse that dream! The future is awaking and this is the perfect opportunity just to GO for it!If this sound like you and your ready to test out our hair,skin and wellness products.We can’t wait to see you join! Feel free to message me about any questions you have! I’m always looking for market partners!