

I have always been a lover of makeup and all things beauty related. In 2013 I decided to pull the trigger and enrolled in Canada's #1 makeup school located in Vancouver, BC. By 2014 my dream was complete and I became a certified Makeup Artist.

Life took me in a different direction; soon after graduating I was offered a full time permanent position in a hospital that I had been a casual at for a few years. This job had amazing benefits, guaranteed hours, a pension plan, how could I have said no right? Isn't this what everyone tells you growing up is the ultimate goal?

I began slowly losing my creative outlet over the years, makeup was put on the back burner and I would only offer lessons or do friends and family's makeup when it was right for my schedule.

I was now working a high stress desk job in healthcare where I had no room to be creative and nothing in my life was igniting my passion quite like makeup did. I felt as if I was getting further and further away from my true dream, starting a family & being a mama.

In 2020 we were blessed with our beautiful daughter Amelia Grace. Wow, how our lives have changed. Being a mother has truly been the greatest joy of my life.

When Amelia turned 4 months old I stumbled upon SEINT.... an affordable makeup line with an ingredient list I feel comfortable applying to the biggest organ... our skin! It has a flawless and fast application, amazing quality and product longevity. It felt like everything clicked for me. Where was this product my whole life? I knew I had to share my love and passion for it.

I have been able to get back into the makeup industry and do it on my own time. All while helping other women feel more confident and beautiful. I love to provide tips & tricks to my clients on how to apply makeup to enhance their natural beauty. We are all beautiful!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey, I am always a quick DM away.

xoxo Amanda