My Top Movie Picks

Read this if you need a movie recommendation

These are movies that i think are great, everyone have different opinions, i hope you enjoy mine <3

#1 Mammamia

an adventurous mother is preparing
for her daughter's wedding with the
help of two old friends. Meanwhile
Sophie, the spirited bride, has a plan.
She secretly invites three men from
her mother's past in hope of meeting
her real father, banyak ABBA song yang
bagus bagus, this is really good if you
like musical movie

#2 Coda

One of the movies i have ever watched in 2022 !!!, ini film heartouching banget and bagusss, its about a hearing girl who lived with her deaf family, dr sini kita bisa ngerasain dr dua perspektif yaitu si anak yang dr keluarga tuli dan si keluarga yang juga berusaha. memahami si anak, btw mereka menang banyak OSCAR !! <3

#3 Coco

really heart touching and beautiful
pieces of animation, its a bout a boy
who dream to become a singer which
is not allowed in his family, the music
in this movie is top tier and best for
vou who like colorful movie

#4 Lady Bird

top coming of age movie you should
watch, its about an impulsive teenager
named lady bird who is trying to find

#5 Spiderwick Chronicles

Udah nonton ini berkali kali sejak kecil
and its a adventure and fantasy story
tentang para anak anak melawan
fantastic creatures like fairies and
others, i think this where all my love
for cottage core started, ini pokoknya
bagussss krn there are mysteries and
fighting scene

#6 Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Beautiful movies about how love is so
great but painful at some times , i
really love how the movie capture each
scene, when i first watched it i alreadv
started imagining what if i was in the

#7 Perks of being a wallflower

its a really great movie about a 15 years old kid named charlie who is trying to figure out himself and how he lives as wallflower ( a person who has no one to dance with or who feels shy, awkward, or excluded at a party), and how deal with the trauma he felt , i felt so connected with this movie and for someone like me it was really good to have a representation

#8 Lalaland

This movie taught me how love really is, how reality hits , how sometimes even if we love each other we have to choose our own destiny and let the love go, i really love the musical and the cinematic of this movie, how it captures every moment perfectly

#9 Little Miss Sunshine

Its about a little girl who dream to be a
pageant, and one day this girl got an
opportunity to join one, she travel with
her family to go to the place where the
pageant was held, along the roadtrip
you can see how each of the family
member has it own problem and
unique things, bagus banget buat yg
suka film drama keluarga , btw ada
paul dano

#10 Florida Project

Dari film ini kalian bisa lat perspektif
filmnya dari mata anak anak dan
bagaimana mereka melihat dunia, film
menceritakan seorang anak
perempuan dengan ibu yang tidak bisa
memberi kehidupan yang stabil
kepada anaknya, namun kalian bisa liat
bagaimana sang anak tetep menjalani
kehidupannya tapa mengerti bahwa
kehidupan vane ia jalani bukan seperti
yang seharusnya, this is a movie
without a special plot (it means kalian
bener bener berasa berada di
kehidupan anak itu)

#11 Homestay

Its a thailand movie yang mengangkat tema kematian dan drama , i rlly love heartouching film and this is one of them , ceritanya tentang orang yang mati suri dan mendapatkan tubuh baru sementara, nah pemeran utamanya Min punya 100 hari untuk ngubah hidupnya, film thailannd favorite ku

#12 The Mitchell vs the Machines

its about a girl yang keterima di semacam art school, nah dia ini lalu diantar oleh ortunya dan adiknya untuk pergi ke sekolah itu, during the roadtrip an invasion by the Machines happened, ini bener bener movie yang fresh and heart touching juga, banyak pesan di film ini, ini film yang aku ga expect bakal baguss tapi ternyata baguss banget, cocok buat kalian yg lagi cari mau nonton apa waktu ngemil !

#13 Her

Its about love. loneliness and
desperateness, its about a man who is
lonely all the time until he found this
gadget who he fell in love with, buat
kalian yg virtual love bisa liat ini, ini
bagus apalgi klo ditonton waktu jam 12

#14 Us

One of my favoriteeeeee horror and thriller movie everrr, its really fresh , its about a family yang pada suatu malam mereka dia attack sama orang yang punya fisik sama seperti mereka, disini kalian juga pasti ngeliat dari dua perspektif , dari keluarga itu sendiri dan orang orang ‘kembaran mereka’, bagusss banget pokoknya, ada plot twist yang bisa bikin kaget jugaa!

#15 Our times

My favorite china romantic movie, this is about Truly Lin who goes on a journey through her memories and she had a flash back 20 years to her time in high school, if you are a hopeless fun romantic this is a good movie for you, its a mix of fun, and it has a heart touching ending. Happy end kok!!

My Top Series


This is the best of the best series i have ever watched , minus klo mau yg ringan ringan jangan nonton ini karena the wholeeeeee time hrs mikir, a lottttttttt of plot twist and tiap episode nya bikin mikir sama mindblowing parah, about the plot nya tentang anak remaja yang nyari kebenaran tentang kota kecil di Jerman yang ia tempati. Ga mau spoiler banyak pokoknya gt aja harusssssss ditonton


Lagi lagi series yang bikin kita bakal kayak “hahh, gila” yang aku suka ini ceritanya unik karena tiap episode punya kisahnya sendiri jadi mau kalian acak episodenya juga gapapa karena setiap episode itu beda cerita. The plot : unveils how modern technologies can backfire and be used against us, ini must watch banget pokoknya

#3 The Haunting of hill house

My favorite horror series , again you must take time to think when u watch this series , but horrornya itu bukan yang cheap yang sekedar cerita biasa dsajikan dengan backsound hantu tapi ceritanya ini seru banget, the plot is about a family yg terdiri atas 5 siblings whose experienced paranormal activity at Hill House , their childhood home and it affect and haunt them till the present day.