Growing & Spreading
Hi! My name is Yani, I’m just a regular girl who decided to take a chance on herself! You see just like many others I was comfortable, I was comfortable working my 7am-4pm job. I was stuck in my comfort zone, I was so unhappy I was bored of the same old routine. Funny thing is I wouldn’t do anything about it. Then finally a day came a day where I decided I needed to love my self the way I loved everyone else, I decided to take a chance on me to do something different and what a ride it has been! I’ve become a Network Marketer for the fastest growing #1 luxury hair care & skin care company in the world! Every day I’m growing and spreading what I learn. I’m happy and more confident! I want to help others feel the way I feel.
Life is about making decisions you’re one decision away from living the life you were meant to live, So join me and let’s grow together!
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