Ready To Take A Leap And Change Your Life Forever?

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About Me

Best Thing In Life Is On The Other Side Of Fear

I’M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR WANTING MORE FOR YOURSELF 👏🏻 It’s time to take a leap of faith and build yourself a legacy!

Live the life you dreamt of and turn this into reality. No more waking up unhappy and having to drag yourself out of bed everyday

Hi! Let me introduce myself….

I’m Yaz Rosli, just your average Singaporean girl, raised in Singapore and Australia. I am 25 turning 26. And here’s why I, like you, decided to take a leap of faith be part of this amazing space

Growing up, my life has its challenging moments. I came from a broken family and being at the age of 3 I didn’t know any better. As I got older, despite having those hurdles, I lived an average life where I got to enjoy travelling every school holidays or getting the latest gadgets and gizmos there is

What I failed to see growing up was the hard work my parents had put in and the sacrifices they made to be able to give their children the worldly pleasures, simply because they did not have an easy upbringing themselves. They put alot of effort to keep my siblings and I happy and content

My whole world and perspective changed when we had to move to Australia. Before moving, my parents had my youngest brother, so when we immigrated my mum became a SAHM. Being a SAHM meant that my dad had to work extra hard and that means being away from his family for months on end and till this day, he has continued to live this life, just constantly hustling for his family. I saw how stressful my parents got when dad didn’t have work because that means we had no income and that struck me really hard

My parents are my biggest WHY. They’ve sacrificed alot for me and my siblings and I want to be able to give them back, especially for my dad so that he can retire and enjoy the rest of his life

I know many of you can relate, being the eldest of your siblings meant you got alot more responsibility and weight on your shoulders. I feel the need that its time to make this change and relief the financial burden for not only myself but also my parents

I am READY to break the cycle for my family and make new beginnings for us all!

So if you can resonate with me, join this space that allows you FREEDOM financially and time.

DM me for more info and let’s get this on 🔥🔥🔥