Here i will tell you how i do my colouring!
Apps are:24fps, prequel and colourtone!
1. 24FPS- insert the qr code down below by taking α screenshot of it.Then go into 24fps and click the 3 blue, red and green circles. Click the + button and then click the second option. Then click the qr code you screenshoted earlier. Then it should say sunkissed @koofilters. Then go off and import your video click the 3 circles again and there is sunkissed! When you click it, it should take you back to the main screen then click save and share. Make sure the watermark is off and then save it as α video!
2.PREQUEL-Go into prequel and click the + button at the bottom and import your video (the 24fps edited one obvs!) Click adjust and scroll left on the first one (exposure) until you reach -25. Then move to the next one, which is called contrast, do the same thing but do until -35 not 25! Scroll to the next one called highlights and scroll to the right until you get too 50 not -50! When you have completed contrast, move to shadows and select -25. Now, you will need to scroll all the way until you reach the triangle (which represents sharpen) make sure its at 25 and scroll to haze (the FIRST circle) move it to 25. Do the EXACT same thing as the first circle on the one next to it (glow). Scroll all the way too the end and put blur as 25 too! Next, go onto effects and scroll α bit until you see dust. Click dust and out number 1. Then go too filters and select boston and do number 1 aswell. Click the button with α box and an arrow and click save video.
3.COLOURTONE-Click video at the top and import your newly edited prequel video. Click the actual video and click edit. Then click filter and select the first blue one (seychelles). Click exposure on the bottom row and move exposure too -25. For highlights its 95 (+95). The next one is -10! Click export then export again and wait till it says successfully exported video!
And thats all thanks so much for reading luv you! 🤍✨