Encouraging dreamers to become doers

Hi, I’m T.C. Burr.

For the longest time, I wanted to write a book. But for the longest time, I never took any action.

My idea just sat there. Collecting dust.

Even though I had the idea, I told myself if was impossible. After all, I wasn’t a writer. I was just a normal guy.

One day, though, I realized I had believed a lie. I had thought that writing was reserved for some elite class of people that I could never be a part of.

That my idea wasn’t good enough.

That I had missed my chance.

But, I realized, none of that was true.

I made the decision to get started, and to keep going.

Now I have a completed draft, and I am working on revising and eventually publishing.

What made the difference? To put it simply, I started believing in myself, and I got to work.

I realized that the fact that I hadn’t written it yet wasn’t a death sentence for my book idea.

The only thing keeping me from being a writer was the fact that I hadn’t been writing. I just needed to get started.

So I did.

Do you have an idea, a goal, or a dream you’ve always wanted to pursue?

Maybe you’ve got a business you want to launch, or a book you’ve always wanted to write.

What would it look like for you to get started, and keep going ?

You haven’t missed your chance. You’re not too old. The world needs what you have to offer.

Get your goal or idea out of your head and into reality.

It’s not that you haven’t done it - it’s just that you haven’t done it yet.

Let me know what goal or idea you’re working on - I’d love to connect using the links below!


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Do you have a goal or idea? Check out these stories, encouragement, tips and ideas to help you get started and keep going.

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