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Send us a message or flick us an email to book a free discovery call now. We'll talk through your pain points and isolate any gaps in your processes. Then we'll come up with a bespoke plan to get your business' HR firing on all cylinders. There's no strings attached so you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
Or give Emma a call on 0272593874
Our mission
We're here to make your life easy!
You might be a small business owner today, but you’re building your empire. Today New Zealand, tomorrow the world! But while you’re growing your business, you want to set good foundations. You want systems, support and processes that allow you to tick all the boxes.
Getting this nitty gritty right is important when it comes to people management. A good team can be the backbone of a business. But best practice employment law and human resources can be tricky to navigate. You don't want to spend hours of your precious time wading through case law to find an answer. Nor do you want to learn the hard way through a costly and stressful grievance. You have bigger fish to fry in developing your business and you have a life outside of it.
What you need is someone to coach you through people management. Like us because we've been there and done it too. We know the pitfalls and how scary getting the law wrong can be. That’s why we do what we do. We want business owners like you to feel confident in their HR knowledge, systems and skills. With strong support, you can get through any HR hurdle.
We're here to help business owners like you grow their teams with confidence and without risk. We’ll help you cultivate a loyal, profitable and productive team that will give you support to develop your business. You work hard and have big dreams, but you can't do it all by yourself. After all, building your empire shouldn't come at the cost of the other things you love. Or the risk of burnout. You might be a boss, but you’re not a robot. You deserve a great business and work-life balance!