- cutewritten regular
- garlic salt
- honey moon
- hipster icons
- kgflavorandframesthree (no spaces)
- marola
- better together script
- Momsdiner (no spaces)
- rainyhearts
- summer coast
- byom icons
- UImockup
- mermaid bold
- lamina
- breath press
(Not on dafont!)
- byom icons
- biko
( not on dafont )
- Vividly regular
-Menina graciosa ornaments two
- Local brewery sans
- Habede extra doodles
- cheeky rabbit
- Can dog
Apps : prequel , 24 fps
Firstly, go to 24 fps, add the following qr code and put it to 70%!
Then go to prequel and add the effect dust ( dust: 100, filter: 10, dispersion: 0 )
Exposure: -25
Contrast: -25
Highlights: -50
Shadows: -100
Sharpen: 25
Glow: 20
Blur: 60
Now go to 24 fps and add the following qr code ( you will find it in the next page ) to 70% and then go to 24 fps again and add the honey qr code ( you will find it in the next page ) to 35%!
My Links
( 1st code )
Mushroom qr code !
( 2st code ) called red flavor !
( 3rd code ! the last one ) its called honey