Enjoy the shopping♡Who wants to check out cute and fun stuff, come to the spot!001 barbie airpods case002 BEST sunscreen (purple tone up uv)003 ballet flatshoes (aku pake warna maroon)004 BEST softlens (aku pake yang charcoal)005 cardigan knitwear oversized006 cairan softlens x2007 sendal sepatu le bianca008 h&m sweater009 sweater knitwear010 cardigan knitwear011 anting lucu012 oro pants013 flared pants014 fitted shirt015 pashmina viscose016 daily heels017 daily sandal tali018 flat shoes019 turtleneck berendo020 yongki komaladi flat shoes021 iket pinggang022 longsleeve023 kitten heels024 highwaist kulot jeans025 premium satin silk026 pearl bag027 sandal tali tempur028 stripe knit029 oversized sweater030 shimmer skirt031 outer tile (buat kondangan)033 puffy sleeve034 french ruffled flare