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ZINECOOP 在2017年11月成立,旨在推廣小誌出版文化,由一群對自主出版充滿熱情的香港藝術家與設計師組成,成員不定期持續加入。透過經營網絡平台,參與世界各地藝術書展及自資出版報紙刊物ZINECOOP PAPER來凝聚各方小誌創作者。亦會不定期舉辦小誌工作坊及講座,以鼓勵持續創作及擴闊交流。
ZINE COOP is an indie publishing artist collective that promotes zine culture in Hong Kong. It provides support on zine making and distribution, connecting artists with book fairs while serving as a bridge between distros and potential readers.
- (明報) 仿談旅遊實談政治 大館書展細看巴勒斯坦海報
- (HKFP) Hongkongers show solidarity with Palestine…but keep efforts low-key
- Shop! 網店
- View online: Zine collaborate with The Voice of Domestic Workers: “Women Behind Closed Door: The Journey of Migrant Domestic Workers in the UK”
- Print-Your-Own Palestine Zines 印製你的巴勒斯坦小誌
- iZINElation Club video series [隔離學Zine] 網上視頻平台
- Hong Kong Zine Scene (Vancouver Art Book Fair edition)
- Zine making 做小誌 01-03
- 8-fold zine powerpoint template 8摺小誌文件檔
- Dispatches Pop-Up Virtual Library: Zines From Around the World
- Offical webpage 專頁
- Facebook page 臉書專頁