Are you convinced it’s too late to change? —

You’ve tried everything. But nothing seems to work to lose your weight for good.

I can help!

I help you lose weight for the last time, no matter your age.

A little about me:

I’m 59, and struggled with wanting to lose weight my entire adult life. I’m down 80 pounds from my highest weight and have kept it off for over 3 years.

I want to share with you the strategies I’ve used to achieve this goal.

Here’s what I don’t do:
- BS diets
- NO eliminating entire food groups (unless
you like doing that)
- NO over exercising
- NO beat downs

My plan will help you create the result you want by:
- You decide on a protocol you LOVE
- Eliminating emotional eating
- Celebrating yourself
- Creating a life you LOVE from a place of LOVE and ABUNDANCE Not punishment

Click HERE if you want to begin to lose your weight for good - Daily Planning Sheet

Before and After

I had been overweight most of my adult life. I yoyoed between 175 - 225lbs from the age of 25 to my mid 50's.

My obstacles to losing weight felt unsurmountable.

I thought it would be hard.

I thought it would make me into a rigid person.

I thought I would have to give up joy

I thought I was the exception, and that my situation was special

I thought having Hashimotos Thyroid disease meant I was disqualified from ever achieving my weight loss goals.

I thought being over 50 and post-menopausal meant it would be impossible for me.

After hiring a life coach I was able to lose all the weight I wanted and have maintained it for over 3 years. .

This process was so much more about WHO I have become versus what I eat.

This process has changed me, but not in the way I thought it would.

I am more confident - (but it's not because of the number on the scale)

I am calmer and more certain in who I am and what I want

Our marriage is stronger, and better than ever

my relationships are deeper

I have MORE FUN!


Check out some helpful insights and tactical tips you can use right now to help you on your way to the life you WANT.

Why does it matter whether you PLAN your food or not?

I know for me, planning my food each day was one of the final pieces of the puzzle to fit into place when it came to creating a better relationship with food.

If you’re tempted to pass on this process, I feel you!

Before I began daily planning,

Here’s what I was telling myself:

• I told myself it was boring

• I told myself I LOVE to be spontaneous

• I told myself what if I don’t WANT to eat what I planned?

• It will take too long to plan

• I don’t see how can this one thing make any difference?

I’d been listening to my coach for a while before I began planning each day.

But Once I made the decision to begin, and understand WHY it matters,

Here are some reasons why I got started.


1. We build trust with ourselves when we do what we say we’ll do = Self Confidence
a. We develop the muscle of trusting to become women who keep promises to ourselves
b. This is foundational in creating self-confidence, and proving to our brain that we can be a person who does what she says she will do, which will affect EVERY area of our life
c. Doing it with food is such an easy way to develop this skill

2. It’s a form of Self Care - When we sit down to plan; (and I recommend you plan for your day when you are the freshest).
a. For some it’s first thing in the morning, and for others you may be more alert in the evenings. Either way, planning what you’re going to eat for the day is one of the most beautiful gifts of self-care we can give ourselves.
b. It’s an amazing way for us to plan from our part of the brain that has executive function instead of being at the effect of our impulses.

3. Prevents decision Fatigue -
Decision Fatigue - the idea that after making many decisions, your ability to make more and more decisions over the course of a day becomes worse, - The more decisions you have to make, the more fatigue you develop and the more difficult it can become.

4. Visualize obstacles before they happen –
we typically have more bandwidth earlier in the day, and creating plans from our best self. Because at the end of the day we have less bandwidth to make better decisions and anticipate obstacles before they occur so we can have a more peaceful day, which helps us to make food choices from a calmer place than if we’re frazzled.

5. We hate having open loops –
Our Brains love predictability, therefore, choosing what breakfast, lunch and dinner and snack you will be having each day ahead of time helps because instead of putting off choosing in the moment, you have already decided, so you don’t have to question it and wonder what’s coming.

It’s quite simple, the impact of just deciding on 4 things first thing in the morning, We Choose to effect the rest of your day versus being at the EFFECT of our impulses.


Planning is Boring -
If you need food choices to prove to yourself that you’re exciting then perhaps we’re putting WAY too much pressure on our food.

How about thinking about you as an exciting person? Instead of looking to food to prove whether or not you’re NOT boring.

My guess is, when you tell yourself planning will be boring is because we use it as an excuse NOT to plan, so you can stay in the same pattern.

At some point you need to ask yourself, how is that working for you?

I love Spontaneity -
when we tell ourselves we don’t want to be predictable or boring, we LOVE spontaneity, it’s actually just a story we tell ourselves.

It’s like we only see one side of the equation. What else comes with spontaneity? Just take a few minutes and think about the down side.

For example, when you don’t plan ahead and you want to connect with a friend, but they’ve already made plans. You can be spontaneous, but at what cost?

Think about it. When we actually plan for what we WANT, and anticipate obstacles it’s so much more loving to us, also to our nervous system.

There are MANY ways to create spontaneity in our lives that have nothing to do with food, so when your brain offers this one up just remember, It’s basically a LIE.

Here’s something to consider… what about being spontaneous when it comes to shopping for a smaller size. When I was NOT willing to let go of being spontaneous with food, I LIMITED myself to only shop at plus size ladies stores because my butt was too big for the clothes.

It’s so much more fun now to have clothing options. So I choose that instead of telling myself I want to have food options.

Don’t want to eat what I planned –
This one is so interesting, because one way I tested this out was I was thinking I just didn’t want to eat “diet” food.

So I teach that you can put on ANY food you want. Especially at first when I first started losing weight.

For those of us who were or are Weight Watchers and you get their food plan. Or you get it from any one. At first it feels fun and exciting to try something like this that will have all the answers and you stick with it for a while, and it actually works. – Until eventually it doesn’t.

I would catch myself with this one, I would put a McDonald’s cheeseburger on my plan, and when it came time to eat it I wanted a cheese steak instead. The interesting thing is, it wasn’t like I had dried out chicken and broccoli on my plan, but Of COURSE we don’t want to do what we say we’re going to do. It’s normal, its part of our rebel nature, but, in the end you need to ask yourself, why is it I’m wanting to change my plan at the last minute? What’s behind that?

Chances are, you’re wanting a specific food to meet an emotional need versus an actual hunger need.

One of the benefits of planning food ahead of time is that we learn to gain trust with ourselves, and begin to see us as a person who keeps promises to herself.

This skill is the first step in creating SELF-CONFIDENCE, which will show up in so many other areas.

Life is full of opportunities for us to do things we’d rather not do in the moment, and the better we get at “making friends” with that skill, the more it will serve us.

How can this one thing make any difference?
I felt calmer throughout the day knowing what food was planned in the evening, so when I come home near dinner time I don’t need to run to the pantry or fridge, because I’m telling myself “it’s OK, I’ve got you”. We have a great dinner planned that you love.

I tested it out with one meal at first, and noticed the effect of NOT having to make decisions at the last minute.

Writing down my food each day helps me:
Anticipate obstacles ahead of time

It keeps me honest, when I try to tell myself, “I’ll just do it in my head” (I never actually remember)

Evaluation and data fact vs creating a story and then I forget what I intended.

The total upside of writing your food plan far outweighs the down side. With the biggest take-away is that it will help you achieve your goals, whether they are related to weight loss or not.

This is just a sample of some of my weight loss tools that I use with my clients.

We also dive into many other topics and strategies while on a call.

If you’re feeling stuck and are convinced it’s too late to change, then it’s time to prove to yourself what you’re capable of.

Let’s Chat

P. S. Get started with the FREE Daily Planning Guide

Evaluating Your Day - Why it’s so Helpful

When most of us think about the word “evaluation” what comes to mind?

For me, I had so many negative thoughts associated with evaluating my day.

Things like:
· I don’t want to know
· I would rather not look at it
· I don’t need any more negativity in my life.
· I’ll just do it in my head
· It will take too long
· It won’t make that much of a difference
· Who cares if I eat something different than what I planned?

Here are 3 steps that I use each day to evaluate my day, which takes away the fear and dread out of this exercise.

1. Start with what you did right!

a. This is important for dopamine (good feeling hormone) which will keep you going
b. If you see something you’re doing right, then you’ll want to repeat it
c. It’s why I look forward to evaluating
d. We no longer need to rely on others to build us up if we get better at this skill (talk about bike riding example)

2. Consider what could be the REAL problem

a. Check in with yourself about things that could be an excuse or justification and Call BS on yourself.
b. Look objectively at what didn’t go as planned and why, from a place of curiosity, and compassion NOT judgement.
c. Remind yourself though you are NOT defied by the number on the scale, tap into why you want to lose weight in the first place. No one NEEDS to do this. So here is a great time to remind yourself why you’re exploring a new way to look at your food – because you want to create a different outcome
d. Use this as information for planning your next day’s meals

3. Decide what you’ll do differently next time

a. Pick just ONE thing to work on
b. Resist the urge to take drastic action
c. Remind yourself why you want to lose weight – you may decide to restrict some things, but remind yourself what benefits you will gain.


I’ll just do it in my head

This one is for SURE not helpful. I tried it, and could never remember what I actually ate or didn’t eat, so then when the excuses come, I have NO answer for them, so I believe them. NOT helpful.
Writing down my actual food, helps keep me honest with myself and not live in my imaginary world where I tell myself I’ve done everything right and am still gaining weight!! :0

you can’t correct something that you think was just left to chance. By having a written record, it helps us to be ON to ourselves. We’re much less likely to believe falsehoods we’re telling ourselves when we see it written down.

What I LOVE about evaluating is having a chance to slow down the process of how we want to think about our day.

It will take too long

I spoke about this during the last live. It doesn’t. and the more you do it the faster you can get.

There are some days when I decide just to write down the food (very seldom) the truth is I love my journaling questions, but if for some reason I’m short on time, I’ll at least fill out my food and my habit tracker, so I’ll have all the data I need for the month.

The trick is to know and understand your actual limitations, and to be OK if it’s not perfect.

It won’t make that big of a difference

As I stated before. If you don’t know WHAT you’re doing you can’t correct it. One of my favorite activities if I’m noticing a pattern that I don’t want is to create a hypothesis as to why it’s happening. But having actual factual data instead of stories, or guesses, or excuses is essential so then we can see what problem we’re trying to solve.

The most fundamental piece of this process is to leave any judgement aside, and simply notice what’s happening and get curious. With compassion, patience and grace.

Who cares if I eat something different than what I planned?

As we spoke about last week. Being a person who does what she says she’ll do is an essential step in creating self-confidence, and learning to be a person who keeps promises to herself. So even though no one sees my evaluation, I DO. And I’m learning to be self-accountable, which is a skill that will serve me well in every area of my life.

For those of you who are ready to Up level your weight loss journey, reach out to me I’d love to chat and see if we’re a good fit. Message me for a date for a chat, or check out my calendar link on the website.

If anyone is interested in my planner or habit tracker, feel free to message me, DM, and request it and I’ll reach out to you and send you the PDF of my exclusive daily planning sheet.

If you’re feeling stuck and are convinced it’s too late to change, then it’s time to prove to yourself what you’re capable of.

Let’s Chat.

P. S. You can begin easily evaluating with my FREE Guide today.

Click on the link below to get started.


Check out some helpful insights and tactical tips you can use right now to help you on your way to the life you WANT.


Most of us have no problem feeling what hunger feels like in our body. We may even get to the point where being a little hungry starts to feel amazing.

Once you are good at knowing when you’ve had enough it won’t matter how good it tastes, or what others are doing, or if this is the last steak out of Vietnam!! The rule I made for myself is… If I’m not hungry for it, I’m not eating it.

One strategy is first of all NOT to let yourself get too hungry. Last week we talked about not getting too overly hungry, but when your hunger reaches about a -2 on this number line, your body is telling you it’s time to eat.

Stopping at enough or the +2 is just a little past neutral.

Stopping at enough is in direct opposition to where our brain wants us to go. . When we’re eating, and it tastes so good, many times we don’t even become aware we’ve over eaten until it’s time to unbuckle our Pants!! :0.

So first of all, this is NORMAL.
We as humans are wired to seek pleasure, avoid discomfort and conserve energy. So, this is a problem if you have greater dreams of losing weight.

Stopping this train is in direct opposition to what our brains are hardwired for us to do. This is where we do most of our work in the coaching relationship.

Leaving Bites Behind, or Throwing Away Food

Many of us have NOT taught this skill. In fact, the opposite is true. I’m of the generation where we “cleaned our plate”. I can picture my little sis sitting at the table with the lights out because she refused to finish her meal.
My parents were of the Greatest Generation which means they lived through the depression, so there was no throwing away of food.

The REAL COST of NOT Leaving Bites Behind

If you’re in your 50s or 60s, I’m sure you can relate, it’s considered wasteful and irresponsible to throw food away.

Or if you grew up with very little, and a scarcity mindset, not knowing where your next meal was coming from, Of COURSE it makes sense why we’ve had that narrative of not wasting food.

However, if you weigh more than you want, and you are looking at this blog on your smartphone or computer, you are most likely not in danger of starvation. More likely you’re in danger of dealing with costly medical conditions or feeling emotional scarcity.

Weigh the Options

If you are afraid of the COST of throwing food away, ask yourself, what is the ACTUAL COST?
- Emotional beat downs when you eat more than you need
- Harder to move around more weight on your joints and knees
- Consider the actual $ cost of the amount of food you’re leaving behind. My guess is it’s probably about a few cents worth.
- YOU overeating is NOT going to help others who don’t have enough, no matter what our moms said!! 😂

Learn what your ENOUGH signals ARE

Take some time to notice, and maybe even write them down, as you notice.

(here are mine)
a. I will take a BIG breath or “sigh”
b. I start getting distracted from eating – genuinely not as interested in the food
c. Knowing I’m going to be done soon, so I start looking for the BEST bites.
d. Sense a filling of my stomach, satiety.

It takes our brains longer to notice when we’re satiated than our stomachs. It takes about 20 minutes before our brains register that digestion has begun, so It’s really helpful to eat more slowly

Ways to slow down
· eat with your non dominant hand
· put your fork down between each bite
· chopsticks
· chew your food (count to 30)


There are several other tips that I use.
· Only eat sitting down at a table
· Do NOT eat distracted, so eat with NO distractions, NO phone, NO TV.
· Use Smaller plates/ bowls – once you are eating reduced portions.
· When you feel the “sigh”, but are cranky about stopping set, a timer for about 5 minutes and tell yourself you can have more if you’re physically hungry. (this one can be very eye-opening)

· Cut your portion in half, and keep the other half handy, and set a timer – same as above, by telling yourself it’s there for you, it helps your nervous system to calm down from feeling that urgency.

· As you are going down the scale and losing weight you will need to get comfortable with smaller portions.

This is another way your coach can help.

We need to re-set our expectation about food being anything other than a fuel source, so getting your mind comfortable with seeing a smaller portion on the plate is just learning how to manage your mind.

· Just having smaller portions and having to get up to get more, is enough of a pattern interrupt to help you have the bandwidth to say NO to more food.

· Eat only when you are calm – listen to the chatter in your mind. Take note of how you’re thinking and talking to yourself during the meal.

· Be present with your food – notice the texture, the color, the smell.

· Be present in the moment with your family. Talk with them, ask questions. Tell stories.

This is just a sample of some of my weight loss tools that I use with my clients. We also dive into many other topics and strategies while on a call.

If you’re feeling stuck and are convinced it’s too late to change, then it’s time to prove to yourself what you’re capable of.

Let’s Chat

P. S.. Start getting control of your eating today. Get started with my Daily Planning Guide,. Click on the link below.

FREE Daily Planning Sheet

Waiting for HUNGER

For those of us who are convinced we’ve “TRIED EVERYTHING”… this one’s for you.
My journey doesn’t start with eliminating foods or counting calories.

My first step was to increase water intake, and eliminate Diet sodas.

Once I had that on lock, and noticed movement on the scale, I began to look for my next step.

It was time for me to learn to wait until I feel physical hunger in my body before I eat.
Until this point in my life (at the ripe age of 55) I had not really trusted my body enough to understand what actual physical hunger felt like to me.

I thought I knew what hunger feels like, because I was a Weight Watcher for many years, and didn’t like it!!!

I thought being physically hungry meant I would deny, deny deny, until I was so miserable that then I gave up and ate everything in sight.
Then beat myself up for overeating, and convince myself I would starve myself the next day and basically the pattern would just start all over again.
I thought being little hungry meant I should be fearful, like something was really wrong. I simply didn’t trust my body, because I thought it meant I would over eat, so I never allowed myself to get a little hungry.
So I did what I thought was best and just insured I had a steady stream of calories coming in ALL DAY AND NIGHT!! :0

Then I learned a tool called the “Hunger Scale” Picture an old fashioned number line. Zero is neutral, on one side is “Starving” and the other end is “stuffed” like, need to unzip pants.

My coach taught me that I would know when to eat if I was feeling a hunger symptom. Sometimes it’s an empty, hollow feeling in my stomach, sometimes for me I have a hard time concentrating, or my stomach will growl, but not to the point of feeling like I was “starving”.

I’d know it was time to eat when I felt a little hungry, (at about a -2 on the hunger scale). Assuring myself and that I would be eating soon put my mind at ease.

TEST IT OUT – If you have any doubts just take a look at the last time you ate. If it’s at least 2-3 hours since your last meal, then likely you are physically hungry, (unless of course you have a physical ailment), but those of us who are overweight can “dine in” and use our amazing fat stores or stored calories for just such an occasion

You can use this tool to learn to begin to build trust with your body to let you know when it’s time to eat.

The good news is once I began to learn to listen to my body, I didn’t need to depend on points or calorie counters, etc. it became much more simple to manage my eating. Because you take your stomach with you wherever you go! On vacation, or business trips, etc.

The one phrase that has meant the most to me over the years is “hunger is not an emergency”

Once I began to employ this theory that HUNGER is not an emergency to my evenings and sometimes even overnight, I began to notice a difference between real hunger and FAUX hunger.


Take a drink of water – it could just be dehydrated

One way we know its faux hunger, is just to take a look at the clock. If you’ve just eaten about 2 hours or less than you know it’s faux hunger.

if you’re feeling an urge for one type of food

TEST THIS OUT - Ask yourself if I’m really hungry would a stalk of broccoli satisfy? I call it the broccoli experiment. (If you’re tempted to over eat broccoli, choose an Unsexy food of your choice)

It’s your opportunity to ask yourself, why am I thinking food is a great option right now?

It typically has something to do with boredom, or feeling stressed, or antsy, fidgety, or you are looking for some type of distraction, or relief.

Anytime you’re noticing that you’re choosing to eat, and you’re not physically hungry that’s where I come in.

As your coach I help you to see what exactly you’re telling yourself in those moments that convince you it’s time to put on the feedbag.

WE unpack the reasons why from a place of curiosity, not judgement, and then use it as an opportunity to learn and inform for next time that may come up.

If you’re feeling stuck and are convinced it’s too late to change, it’s time to prove to yourself what you’re capable of.

Let’s Chat

P. S. Lose Weight NOW. Click on the link below to get started.

I’m IN - Send me the FREE Daily Planning Sheet


Check out some helpful insights and tactical tips you can use right now to help you on your way to the life you WANT.

What is a LIFE COACH?

What is a life coach?

I’m sure some of you may be wondering what the heck I’m doing and why I've chosen to go into this field.

The truth is, at first, I didn’t even realize that I had hired a life coach. I just listened to some sassy southern lady on a podcast tell me that I could lose weight just like her.

She talked about how she made small changes in her life that led to a lasting dramatic result of a 100 pound weight loss, and my thought at the time was, If she can lose 100 pounds, then surely I can lose 20?? Right??? (check out Losing 100 pounds with Corinne Crabtree)

At the start of my weightloss journey, I had no evidence that this was even possible for me. BUT, I kept listening to her. Challenging my old way of thinking, considering there may be a new way approach my life, listening to her suggestions and then putting them in to practice

If she said to write it down, I did, if she said to ask this question, I did , if she said ask yourself empowering questions like,



“What do I REALLY want in this moment?”

And then, what do you know…. little by little I began to implement her suggestions into mylife and after a year of listening to her FREE content, I lost over 38 lbs!! A new record for me.

She talked about her program because she said the tools she shared were just the beginning, but the REAL work was what goes on in our minds, and I WANTED that!

So I joined NoBS weight loss program in 2020 and continued to lose weight, but also had a new appreciation for WHY I was to eat food for emotional reasons. I learned to trust my body and learn about the importance of the mind body connection.

So here are some of my definitions of a life coach

A life coach is someone who holds belief of your goals for you and helps you believe in yourself until you create evidence to do likewise

A life coach is a person who is willing to ask you the hard questions and help you find the answers for yourself

A life coach can be a version of you who is also an example of what is possible

A life coach helps you to see the world differently and challenges you so you stop creating the results you don’t want and guides you into creating results you DO want

A life coach helps guide you step by step into becoming a new person, the person you want to become.

A life coach helps you process all the feelings that arise when we stop using food as an escape.

A life coach is someone who has gone before you to pave the way to make it easier for you to achieve your goals.

This is my mission in my life. to help you achieve whatever goals you want to achieve.

Get started losing all the weight you want today. Click on the link for my Daily Planning Guide

Is it Just a FLUKE? 🤔

It’s Just a FLUKE!

How many times have you told yourself “it’s just a fluke”?

Have you ever said this to yourself, when something goes RIGHT?

In my practice with clients as well as myself, this is one of the MOST poisonous thought that our brain offers up.


Because It takes our control out of the equation.

Just recently my brain offered up the thought that I forgot how to lose weight, maybe it was just a fluke that I lost 80 pounds and kept it off for over 3 years!!


If we leave those thoughts unchecked and unchallenged, we will begin to believe them.

Instead ask yourself:
🔶Is that really true?

🔶What are the FACTS? because the scale (for ALL of us) goes up AND down regularly. This is why it’s so important to keep records and take a look at the BIG picture. I track my weight weekly, and monthly as a way to keep it FACTUAL

🔶remind yourself what you were THINKING that led to those actions

🔶explore how you were FEELING that led to those actions.

🔶The rest is EASY, just rinse and repeat. It's just that simple

I’ll give you an example:
One way I remind myself that my 80 pound weight loss is not a fluke is that I remind myself how far I’ve come.

It’s just a part of my life right now and it seems too easy, so I discount it because I give it very little thought.

It wasn’t always easy. I didn’t start that way, but now that it’s in my rear view mirror, my brain forgets that I wasn’t always this way.

This began by me choosing to think who do I want to be at my goal weight, why do I want to weigh less than I do now? What kind of person do I want to be? How do I want to feel about myself and my body?

With the answers to those questions in mind, I began a process of becoming a person who moves my body each day.

In the same way I created my journaling habit

Plan and evaluate each day

Drink 64 ounces of water each day

Prioritize sleep

Wait to eat until I’m hungry

Stop eating when I’ve had enough

So YES I DID create my weight loss and I know exactly how to keep going and living a life I love

P.S. Insure that you never question again whether or not your success is a FLUKE. Click on the link to Download my FREE Daily Planner Today

Water 💦

In my coaching practice I integrate mindset and weight loss tools.

The way I began my 80 pound weight loss journey was through applying weight loss tools first, and once I got some momentum, I began to add on some of the mindset tools that I now use in my practice.

One of the first steps I took on my 80 pound weight loss journey was to incorporate drinking more water.

If you’re on Facebook I created a Facebook Live with all some great information, check it out

Here is some additional information that you may find helpful as you create your own process


Why it matters

Water may reduce your appetite.

when you think you’re hungry it actually could just be dehydration -
About two cups should fill your stomach enough for your brain to register fullness.
test this out is, when you feel hungry instead of eating, drink a glass of water and see what happens.

Drinking water helps during exercise.

Water is essential to the body during exercise When muscle cells are dehydrated, they break down protein (aka muscle) more quickly and build muscle more slowly, so your workouts are much less effective,

Water helps the body remove waste.

the easier it is for your system to move things along and the less likely you are to suffer from constipation and bloating.
In addition, adequate hydration promotes kidney function, flushes harmful bacteria from the urinary tract, and prevents kidney stones, which can occur with more concentrated urine.

The body needs water to burn fat.

Upping your water intake may increase lipolysis, the process by which the body burns fat for energy
mild dehydration decreases lipolysis, thus reducing our ability to burn fat

Water may improve motivation and reduce stress.

When you're dehydrated, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and confusion
Dehydration, may be linked to sleepiness and reduced alertness

Dehydration increases your body's production of cortisol, the stress hormone.
Dehydration could affect your motivation to exercise and make better food choice

Water keeps your skin bright.

Increasing water intake would affect the skin the same way as a topical moisturizer.
positively impact normal skin elasticity

Water boosts your brainpower.

Just like the rest of your body, your brain depends on H2O to work most efficiently—water actually composes 73% of the brain.
Even slight levels of dehydration (as little as 2% water loss) impair your performance in tasks that require attention, cognitive functions, physical movement, and immediate memory skills

Water regulates blood pressure.

Dehydration changes the plasma/blood cell ratio changes in a way that makes the blood thicker and more viscous. This makes it tougher for blood to flow where it needs to flow, increasing the stress placed on the heart."

Drinking water could help reduce your overall liquid calorie intake

Although diet soda contributes no calories, replacing diet beverages with water may be a factor that contributes to weight loss for some people.

One thing I used to do was consume a vast majority of liquid in the form of diet soda. Once I decided to try and eliminate artificial sugar, I lost my need for sweet-tasting carbonated soda

TEST it out - I started by just reducing my diet drink by one less can per day. Eventually I eliminated diet sodas entirely, and as I reduced those little by little I noticed I didn’t need them as much. - it was a process and I noticed it getting much easier over time.

At one point, I would say it felt like an addiction, or compulsion for me. for example there were days when I would drink 4 24 oz bottles of Diet Caffeine free Pepsi, and it still didn’t satisfy.

Once I decided to reduce my intake of diet sodas, there was a short time where it felt uncomfortable, but I had been overweight my entire life, so I decided I had nothing to lose. As it turned out, that may have contributed to my biggest leg up to start losing weight.

My taste buds actually acclimated to not needing to have something so sweet.These ingredients may get your taste buds used to sweetness. And that can make drinking enough water a challenge.

The funny thing is that ever since I first learned to question my old way of doing things, I tried and experimented and have not missed diet sodas at all!

How much water should you drink?

It’s recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces of water, but I started just increasing a little at a time and for me, I’ve decided that 64 ounces is about right for me. and that doesn't include coffee and seltzer.

One way to determine whether you're drinking enough water is to peek in the pot after you urinate. "It's best to go by the color of your urine if it's dark yellow, you aren't drinking enough. Aim for light yellow." ( about the color of a post-it (or lighter)

Find a way that makes it EASY to track.
Drink 4 - 16 ounce bottles of water each day, when you get to your 4th you know you’re done.

I also track my water intake on a habit tracker, so if something looks like it’s not working the way I think it SHOULD, I just take a look at the DATA.

The upshot: Water and weight loss

The science does show that drinking water may facilitate weight loss and encourage other positive health outcomes. Staying hydrated helps the body run more efficiently and helps us feel better.

Even though I’ve given you a ton of reasons why water is helpful, don’t take my word for it.

Test it out for yourself. try making one small change and test it out over two weeks and see if it makes a difference in how you feel, your attention, your skin, or the scale.

For me this was the first major change I made towards my weight loss goals. I started with water because it felt EASY. and it was.

Next I’ll be sharing about the second simple step in my weight loss journey.

What if weight loss after 50 could be EASY?

If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for YOU!

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P. S. Get started today tracking your water and losing all the weight you want, Click on the link for my Daily Planning Sheet