But, I’m not racist, I’m a good person.
Is this for me? The answer is yes.
Do you believe you are an anti-racist?
Do you believe in peace and love?
Are you a kind person, a truth seeker?
Are you BIPOC?
Are you White?
If you practice any form of holistic health, wellness or healing modality, spirituality, yoga, mindfulness, meditation or self-inquiry education, chances are you are unknowingly participating in some form of upholding systemic racism and white supremacy.
Do you want to create real change, but are unsure where to start? This course series is a safe space for you to build a foundational understanding of systemic racism, ask questions and gain tangible, actionable tools to dismantle racism through your yoga or wellness practice and business.
You may be a non-racist by intention, but to be anti-racist requires awareness, action and change, beginning from within yourself.
If you believe #blacklivesmatter, this is your opportunity to walk your talk.
* Colorblindness, or the belief that one does not “see” race, while well intentioned, does not allow for the language or tools language to discuss race and have awareness of one’s personal experience awareness. This is a key tool in upholding the white supremacy and systemic racism. Join us and get the tools to see more clearly.
Workshop Details & Booking
Racial Literacy for Yoga and Wellness Communities
In this two-part workshop, we’ll explore the fundamentals of racism, white supremacy, implicit bias and color blindness.
We’ll do interactive exercises to understand how we have may have been unknowingly employed to uphold white supremacy through our practices and within our wellness spaces. We’ll learn actionable anti-racist tools and practices to decolonize our yoga or healing modality.
Anyone can take this course and there are no prerequisites. This course is especially relevant and important if you:
• practice yoga or meditation
• work with or as a spiritual, energetic or holistic healer, life coach, bodyworker or movement therapist, mindfulness practitioner
• market your wellness business via social media
$35 Single Session
$45 Sessions 1 & 2
Swedish Residents
325 SEK Single Session
410 SEK Sessions 1&2
Swish: 0737018461
Please write your email address and preferred session in the medelande.
Book Full Workshop - Sessions 1 & 2
Full Workshop
Session 1:
Wednesday, July 29
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
Session 2:
Saturday, August 1
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
Session 1: The Fundamentals of Perception
Wednesday, July 29
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
2.5 Hours
LIVE via Zoom
Learn the foundational building blocks of systemic racism, implicit bias, how it plays out in wellness spaces and how it applies to you.
This session involves centering, movement practice, lecture, interactive exercises and discussion.
Sara Utberg / Wanna Johansson:
Meditation & Practice
Lyrica Fils-Aimé:
Lecture and Discussion
Session 2: Colorblindness and Anti-Racism Tools
Saturday, August 1
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
2.5 Hours
LIVE via Zoom
Learn about race as a construct, colorblindness, and understand racial triggers. We’ll dive deep into terminology so that you have the vocabulary to create awareness around racial anxiety. If you believe that racism is not your problem, it is likely that you are unaware of the influence of white supremacy within your life, practice and business. We’ll focus on with tangible skills so that you feel empowered to dismantle racism within yourself and your community.
This session includes centering, practice, lecture, discussion, and meditation.
Rachel Holmes & Wanna Johansson:
Meditation and Practice
Lyrica Fils-Aimé:
Lecture and Discussion
*As an anthropological term, the word “tribe” fell out of favour in the latter part of the 20th century. Some anthropologists rejected the term itself, on the grounds that it could not be precisely defined. Others objected to the negative connotations that the word acquired in the colonial context. Scholars of Africa, in particular, felt that it was pejorative as well as inaccurate (Encyclopedia Brittanica).
Immersion Details
4-Week Series: Racial Literacy for Yoga and Wellness Facilitators
In this four session course, we go more in depth by investigating cultural appropriation, spiritual bypassing, and using your privilege to dismantle white supremacy. Learn actionable, anti-racist tools that align with what you offer as a wellness practitioner, yoga facilitator or business owner.
In the same way you may have taken a supplemental anatomy, prenatal or philosophy training- if you are facilitating healing of any kind, it is your responsibility to understand systemic racism so that is does not harm others through your practice.
• Facilitators of Yoga and/or meditation
• Holistic Healers & Wellness Practitioners
• Bodyworkers & Movement Therapists
• Life coaches
• Mindfulness Instructors
Registration and Rates coming soon.
Session #1
Monday, August 31
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
2.5 Hours
LIVE via Zoom
Session #2
Tuesday, September 8
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
2.5 Hours
LIVE via Zoom
Session #3
Monday, September 14
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
2.5 Hours
LIVE via Zoom
Session #4
Monday, September 21
9am LA / 10am SLC / 12pm NYC / 6pm STKHLM
2.5 Hours
LIVE via Zoom
*Spiritual Bypassing is a key tool in yoga and wellness spaces to to uphold white supremacy and systemic racism by entering a feel-good state and avoiding discomfort. Additionally, the use of the word “liberate” within white centered yoga spaces can be a challenging in terms of colonization and cultural appropriation. Join us and learn how to create more equity and inclusivity within the yoga spaces you hold or practice in.
We’re here to hold space, guide, practice listen, discuss and learn.
We’ve offer these sessions as way to show up through a non-violent and authentic practice of education. As facilitators we are skilled and committed to holding a safe space and guiding students. That said, safe doesn’t mean comfortable, and this course will bring up discomfort. In the spirit of honesty and creating real change, we’re willing to go through the discomfort with you and to do the real work. We’re willing to ask the big questions. We hope you are too.
Lyrica Fils-Aimé
Lyrica is a practitioner of yoga and serves as a Director of Equity Transformation and Culturally Responsive Environments at the New York City Department of Education. She is a NY State Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Registered Play Therapist, and runs a private practice in Harlem. Lyrica obtained her BA from the University of Richmond in Psychology and Business, an MSW from New York University and a Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership from Fordham University. She created and designed equity teams, diversity councils, affinity groups, multi-cultural programming and supervised social workers with an anti-racist and anti-oppressive leadership focus.
Lyrica is also the author of “The Gift of [Anti-Racist] Therapy,” A series examining how clinicians who are working to be anti-racist and anti-oppressive provide deep gifts to clients of all backgrounds.
Work with LyricaRachel Holmes
Rachel is a facilitator of yoga, sound healing, dance, meditation and soul level healing through her work as an oracle. She is a lifelong learner and loves to see people grow and become the fullest expression of themselves.
Rachel is currently based in North Carolina.
Sara Utberg
Sara is a Stockholm based yoga teacher and student of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). She’s also a raw musician and uses her sharing of heartfelt music as a tool for presence.
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“To hold space is an honor. Having people put their trust in me to support them as they journey inwards, exposing their most valuable parts, this is the magic. In raw and truthful being we heal the wounds of self.”
Wanna Johansson
Wanna facilitates yoga, movement and meditation classes, retreats, trainings and events that foster of adventure, curiosity and support.
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Wanna lives between Jackson Hole, Siargao, and Sweden. She co-founded @shiftandsee and @northportlandyoga @antiracismspace and @metta.vision
Frequently Asked Questions
Please DM @antiracismspace on Instagram or email Wanna at info@shiftandsee.com with any questions not addressed below.
Who is this workshop for?
Anyone can take this workshop. However workshop focuses on how racism shows up in wellness spaces such as yoga studios, yoga marketing and social media, through healers and bodyworkers, and any kind of wellness focused community.
What are the sessions like?
Each session will bring together a yogic practice with an anti-racism lecture, discussion and exercise. Depending on the needs of the group, will practice meditation, pranayama and/or movement and sound.
Do I have to take workshop session 1 before session 2?
You’ll get more out of it by doing both, but each session can stand alone.
Do you offer scholarships?
We offer a scholarship for BIPOC facilitators. Please email info@shiftandsee.com and place “Scholarship” in the subject line. Tell us why you need this scholarship, how much you need, and what you hope to do with the skills you gain.
ApplyHow will I join the online sessions?
Book the workshop via PayPal. Well email you a zoom link at the same email address. If you would like it sent to a different address, please specify it when making the payment.
Swedish residents paying via Swish, please enter your email address in the message.
Please DM @antiracsimspace on Instagram or email info@shiftandsee.com for any questions.
Do I have to be a teacher to do the four session immersion course?
No, but know that we are focused on anti-racism tools for facilitators or business owners in yoga and wellness.