About Bri

Intuitive Energy Healer

I’m an intuitive mindset mentor for entrepreneurs who are ready to level tf up and unlock their potential from within. Together, we’ll identify and release any limiting beliefs and stories that may be blocking you from stepping into the business and life of your fucking dreams!!!

Using energetic tools like EFT/tapping, reiki, tarot, and meditation as well as my own personal psychic intuitive gifts, I help my clients experience BIG breakthroughs and shifts in how they show up for and FULLY RECEIVE what they want in their lives.

And oooooh let me tell you… these shifts don’t just “add up” over time. They’re the entire freaking foundation of you reaching your next level. They’re the building blocks that create those juicy, magical af quantum leaps that you know are possible for you.

I know, I know. You’ve probably heard a bunch of people online making the same claims, but here’s how I’m different!

Unlike other coaches who may only incorporate a couple different modalities into their work with clients, I provide a range of unique offers that weave in various energetic, psychic/intuitive, and mindset tools to meet you where you are right now (on this timeline, anyway 💁🏻‍♀️) and get you to where you want to be. Each mentorship offer and package allows you to tap into a different area or type of support, all with the mission of helping YOU embody your DREAM self.

My private coaching/mentorship clients experience MASSIVE transformations—I’m talking

👉MAJOR energy RELEASES that leave them feeling physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually LIGHTER,

👉complete 180 shifts in perspective,

👉and literally feeling like a WHOLE NEW PERSON with a WHOLE NEW WAY OF LIFE—

through the energetic and mindset work that has helped me shift into the person I’ve always dreamed of being, create the business of my dreams (the business I used to be too scared to admit I wanted), AND align myself with the universe so that literally everything I want and need falls into my lap before I even fully realize I want it.

Because that’s what we all want right? We all want to get what we want and to not feel so shitty about ourselves and our lives!!

If you’re reading this and feel your soul screaming YES YES YES! inside, then we are the perfect fit for each other and I’d love to help you shift your mindset to create the life of your dreams🥰🥹💫

The Power of Potential Podcast


Welcome to the Power of Potential Podcast! This is the place where you can come to learn all about moulding your mindset to heal and manifest your success✨

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