I’m glad I found you Christian. If I didn’t I would probably still be tapping my foot, waiting for the QFS or something 😂. I’ve been fooled by plenty of these fake truthers, gurus, spiritual weirdos, psychics, mediums, channelers and plenty others. But I realize now I had to experience all that, so I could be ready for what comes next. I’m done with fools, scammers, liars and frauds. I’m sure finding you, Leon, our lovely Pixie and the others was all part of the plan. So here I am, ready to finish the mission I came here for, and to get started on creating a new world. Thank you everyone 🙏🏻🌎🧚😇🥰👍🏻👽💪🫡 @TrueWindRune
Christian.. brother .. we love u.. hope u feel it! 💖.. thanks for sticking around and staying with us 🙏🏻.. sending heaps of love
Always felt a connection with your info brother Christian.. we have to go with our hearts.. we have been lied to for so long.. it feels good to have you here with us.. cant imagine what it was like.. having the knowledge you did all this time.. thank you for letting us on the journey with you 🤗🥰 XXXX🥰💖🌹JenJen
Christian Brother, I resonated with you as soon as I found your videos right at the beginning!! I watch your videos over and over to make sure I didn't miss anything. I am forever grateful for you putting yourself out there for all of us...I am so ready for this 3D life to be done with. Thank you for being real, and laying out the truths no one else knew, or was willing to tell. Thank you for bringing us together. I truly believe all of us are family here. See you on the other side!! Loads of luv 😘 Jess
BIG BROTHER Thanks you for our collective consciousness upgrades you provided by your truth. You ROCKED so many souls to the core with nothing but love. Had a hell of a hard time understanding you in the beginning, Thanks Source for making me stay on this course. The world is definitely changing. Steven
Christian, thank you for sticking with us and educating us on some very complex subjects and making them simple and easy to digest. The dancing, music, white boards filled with nothing but the truth, so much truth, what a journey! I can see why you are fully trusted from the outside. Where would we be without you? Exactly, nowhere, just fake truthers, bull shitters, total sellouts. We trust you, and you have done a fantastic job, never forget that. Gary
Christian my beautiful soul brother I am full of gratitude for finally finding you in this vast universe . I first saw you on Bluewater’s channel I was so drawn to your energy your love & enthusiasm . Your every word I resonated straight away with it just hit me deep down in my soul . I remember sending the video to my sister and she didn’t resonate at all with you but there was something deep inside me knew you were talking the truth and it totally changed my life for the better . I couldn’t wait to see you post more video or live chats I was soaking it all in and saying to myself this all make so much sense . I knew them I had to walk by you side to soak up as much truth as I could. The love and devotion in your heart and every word you spoken was to waken up the sleeping world and I knew you had humanity best intentions at heart and I trusted you wholeheartedly. Love you so so much Christian I am forever grateful for finding you again ❤️🥰xxx LIZ
Krystan, I started watching you with Linda in the ver6 beginning. It was a struggle understanding you in the beginning but I was so intrigued by your information and knowledge I stuck it out. Today, seeing you warm, comfortable and sharing the galactics messages is heart warming. I loved the wall....it is mesmerizing!!! We all are so looking forward to the end stages...I’m just wanting to get out of a body filled with pain and meet up with my galactic family...whom ever they are. Question....have you heard of a galactic by the name of Commander Galant? That name was fed into my mind one day when I was receiving some information from some of my galactic guides. I looked that name up on the internet and he does/did exist. Is this who I am on the other side.....because I am a female and he is a male so I’m not clear on the relationship.
Thank you again for all you are doing for all of us, and your endless mission to wake more sleepers up. You are a sweetheart and we love you, dearest Pixie and brother Leon! @ LadyCanUK
Liz I totally relate with similar experience and share the same sentiments. Love Christian, grateful to have could him, and now sharing his truth on X as much as I can in hope of reaching more souls before the events. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful & heartfelt 🥰🩷 love that so many of us have come together with Pixies help here too. And let’s not forget Leon the writing master of synopsis!!! ❤️🩷💙💙🩷❤️ Hayley
I didn’t forget you sister pixie or brother Leon you have been a god send to bring all this together on telegram and helping Christian . Leon is definitely a master of the synopsis and helping individuals out with their debt and mortgage issues . So very grateful to be part of this family unit the support and love is overwhelming and appreciated very much so . Pixie and Leon love you so so much too 🥰❤️xxx🥰❤️xxx
Dear Christian, every show I do is so I can spread your information far and wide. You are the Love, the Light, and the Truth. I want to thank you from the bottom of my Heart. As soon as Linda read your email, I was hooked and it resonated with my Soul. I’ll follow you anywhere Brother.❤️🙏
Love, Kirsten❤️
Thank you so much Pixie for setting up this telegram channel I really love surfing it every day and love the energy from everyone. As most of us here I went on the truthers' roller coaster looking for answers but not knowing what to believe really. When Kristian appear on the scene (thank you Linda) I was hooked straight away, he went talking about discs/worlds, gateways, portals, demons... drawing the most amazing map on a wall, day after day... opening our mind to new rabbit holes. that was captivating and so simply explained... I still can't wait to hear more from him (and Leon now). Thank you so much for helping us understand what our universe really looks like, who we really, how powerful we could be and reassuring us that all danger is gone... Can't wait to wake up from this nightmare and enjoy life fully with all other living beings, as it's meant to be... XOX
Christian, when I first read your comments on Blue's channel( in the comment section) you lit a fire inside of me!! Later, when Linda started interviewing you, I drank in every word and the dots began to connect. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done!! I don't know where I'm "from" yet, but I've always felt a presence with me since a child and a desire to be alone, like it's the only time I feel like myself. I can't wait to thank you and Blue in person, until then please know that you two are always on my mind and that I love you!!! Betty
Dear Christian so happy to have had this incredible experience of you and your lovely family...I recall many years ago maybe 20 or so hearing that a young person and it was a young man was holding knowledge that would one day potentially free us....at the time I only knew a thimble of how bad things were...but this story alluded to a young man in Britain and not living in circumstances that would make him easily identifiable...ie not wealthy , not obvious..all for his protection.I wonder if this was you.I use to read so much years ago and don't know where that came from...I know that I am blessed to be in this time amongst all of these magnificent frindge dwellers...Thankyou Christian🌸🪷 cass
Been following you from near the start Christian, Linda Paris days. Reason being your intel has been so mind blowing and confronting you're kinda like a good book you can never put down. I've learned so much from you and my conscience has expanded greatly. Yet a non negotiable to me is my Faith in Jesus Christ, he has always been the bedrock that's underpinned my life and always will be. Not having a go at you in the least i'm saying I still feel a better person for having come across and following you. Sends love and Light for all you do Thankyou!
True believer
Dear Christian, I want to take a moment and let you know that I very much appreciate you! I have been following you since your first video with Linda. Never once have I doubted a word you said although it was almost unbelievable. However deep down I knew your words to true. I'm not much involved in the chat as I find it too busy and it would take all my time trying to keep up on things. But I am here and I am loving your videos.
Thank you to Leon for the synopsis! You are hilarious, I love reading them.
And thank you to Pixie for this channel. I appreciate the work you do.
Much love and light to you from Ontario, Canada
Pagan Beauty
Thanks for all you do soul brothers krystian blue Leon and soul sister pixie I've always knew this wasn't the way we should suppose to live lots of things just did not resonate with me ever since secondry school I only went 2 and half years out of the 5 my real awakening was the film close encounters of the 3rd kind it was truth in plain sight a documentary it frightened me yet excited me at the same time and through time you get attacked by demons and then think am I bonkers believing ets exist then about 5 years ago I had this magical dream that this big mothership came down and trump comes out with people we thought where dead and lots of children come out and he stands on this podium and says everything is goin to be alright amazing beyond your wildest dreams I told my youngest brother about this and I said ets are real and they are coming and people will have there minds blown then I came across one of krystians videos on blue waters Channel and was like wow everything I'd dreamt off is real what this man is doing getting the truth out and being attacked from all angles shows he's special love empathy he can't stress it enough thanks for all you do 💙✨️💙✨️💙✨️💙✨️
You say nothing. Is accident Christian and randomly finding Linda’s video on telegram on JfK being alive below my mind and resonated immediately. Everything you say and the time you say it has always hit me and opened another layer. I got to chat to you briefly last year, my daughter needed me and I had to cut the call short so I hope to speak to you again before the sky event. I am so grateful to you and everything you’re doing for us. I love you very much thank you. Lorraine xo
Brother Krystian, pixie,leon everyone.
I've been a black sheep all my life.always digging for information and truth.
At the start of the shitshow we bounce from truth to truth along the narrow path.
Most of it utter bollocks and misinformation of some sorts.
Qfs,rv,i lost everything,everyone,my health,looks, family.....but alas when all hope was lost.
A common man like myself had words that penetrated my very being ,an inner knowing that resonated on such a metaphysical level,it was like a wire was reconnected inside of me.....i wont bore you people anymore.
Id just like to say Krystian and you guys saved my life,and gave me hope again"KNOWING" not believing the good guys have this.
Hi Christan, thank you for all you are doing, I don't say much but do listen intently to what you have to say. Thank you for being here for us, and as you know we are also here for you too, love and light to you and yours ❤️🙏
I am so gratefull, that i came a cross Christians Information, i am on board since the first interviews on Linda´s channel. The information about the great dome and the parasite connection to it resonated greatly with me. Since that time i have a tab open on Bluewater, Christian21 and Leon, not to forget Pixie´s channels on telegram. I fell too for the fake truthers and Qfs gurus, i know now it hat to be that way. Many of the information Christian21 presented, filled up gaps of missing information that i knew, since my childhood that something importend is missing. His affort to give humanity back the whole truth of missing or twisted info is beyond my imagination. I hope that the true light will win in the end. In 2006 i read the book of Barbara Marciniak Bringers of dawn and the message of the Pleadians, at that time i believed in the spinning ball, but not anymore. Since that book (i do not know if Barbara is also compromised i think yes), but the idea of accention though hard inner work stuck with me since that time. I can not wait till EBS, i am so worn out, but i will keep on walking till the fight is over. I am so happy that i found this community, and it is the first time writing about this all. English is not my native tongue, but i had no trubble to understand Christians Videos. Thank you Christion21, Bluewater, Leon and Pixie for all your hard work. 👍🙏❤️💜🌈🛸☝️👏🌹 Pepe
Oh Christian So Thankful I seen you that 1st Tinw with Linda McAllister. A TRUE GEM. And Have been with you Since Love you Thank you So Much. Pixie tou are a Gem . Love you too. Thanks for doing this look forward Every am to see your video's Posts and Truth a Black Sheep here Judie Treangen aka Earth to Judie
I’d like Christian to know how much he means to me. He has taught me so much and I have always believed him. Love you Christian and would love to give you a great big hug. 💙Karen
In 2012 some articles came to me exposing truths lightly.. for the first time seeing this was fascinated! And the search continued as more info kept pouring in..at first I’d dismiss as ‘too bizarre’ but then undeniable. Flat earth, mirror moon, then outer walls.: stringing the facts myself allowed me to dismiss ‘truthers’ that didn’t align with what I knew to be true..
by chance came across Christian a few months ago everything lined up. Filling in the gaps of understanding.
Truly grateful and heartfelt appreciation for your presentations. 💕🌸🕵️♀️
One day Christian when we meet face to face I’m going to give you the hugest heart to heart hug. Love you and so appreciative of the knowledge you are bringing to humanity. Much of the knowledge you have brought to our attention I knew (thanks to my late Mum) but there’s a hell of a lot I did not know. Much love and gratitude from me and my family. I’m fortunate that my family are awake and my 2 grandchildren, well…….aged 7 and 5 can read my mind and understand our universe and the 178 worlds. My daughter and I are avid sky watchers, our ‘family’ visit us each night. Life is definitely interesting now. Much love Christian, Pixie and Leon. ❤️❤️❤️❤️Bronwen
Dearest Christian
You are such a blessing to humanity and I’m so fortunate and grateful that I found you and Bluewater through Linda Paris.
I eagerly wait for your messages and am doing my best to wake folks up.
You are so loved and valued and I’m looking forward to our new world!
Many thanks to Bluewater, Leon, and Pixie as well!
Much love to you always!
I've been reading all these lovely posts and everyone has covered just about everything there is to say to Christian so I'll just say a great big heartfelt thank you to him, Leon, Pixie & last but not least Bluewater as without him I wouldn't be here 💖💖💖Jill
Christian, you’re a beautiful soul! I appreciate everything you teach us and the time you spend on making these videos to help humanity. Listening to you has taught me how to understand a Cockney accent, and I’m thankful for everything. I love you very much! 😘
When I saw MCTV's first video of Christian, I was moved. Everything I learned last 5 years came together when I saw and heard Christian for the first time. I sent MCTV a picture of me with my map of worlds in January 2023, showing where earth is. I wanted to hear everything Christian said. I'm happy I did❣️🕊️
Christian Sibley. You have enlightened so many people, it's simply staggering! That which has been hidden is coming into the light for all to see. We as humans have a natural tendency to be inquisitive, (those of us that are awake, at least), and you have shown us a vast amount of their lies and by the same token, brought humanity to the brink of victory over evil. Your knowledge is unsurpassed and I want to say "Thank you my friend!" The total mess we're in as a whole is so obvious but soon it will be over. Your heartfelt efforts will forever be remembered by us all. Keep on keeping on my friend, there's no 'quit' in us!
"🎼Ain't no stopping us now....we're on the move🎶"RAY
THANKS m8, your doing your best! I appreciate it emencly - Preston
malgosia doiber ... I just wanted to thank you for everything ... you are amazing ... and thanks to you weve learned so much ... happy to have you with us ... you showed us the light to follow ... you are one of a kind ... a beautiful soul with a very big heart ... love to you and Pixie ... 🐻🐻🐻🐻
Just want to send you unconditional love & empathy ❤️ 💗 💕. Just sitting back & waiting for the movie to end...staying on the path and never going back ...trying my best to keep my vibes up and myself happy....thank you for everything!!! Can't wait to meet you & the others...party time! Sue
So grateful for you Christian.. I have so much love for you, and everyone here♥️ Debby
Thank you, Christian! I have learned so much from you and you have prepared us well for what is to come. For this I am eternally grateful and I love you.
Krystian there are no words to adequately express my gratitude to you...so many lifelong gaps are being filled in . You are amazing! You are such a HUGE gift to humanity(and beyond)! Mad love for you brother- with you from the beginning and with you until the end!
Krystian there are no words to adequately express my gratitude to you...so many lifelong gaps are being filled in . You are amazing! You are such a HUGE gift to humanity(and beyond)! Mad love for you brother- with you from the beginning and with you until the end!
We love and appreciate all you do! Thank you for the much needed truth! GAIL
From the very beginning, you have been the best and you have done the greatest job for us humans in this awakening. Thank you, from all my heart brother.💙 Martin
Thank you Christian, for all your wonderful videos, I have learned so much from your imformation, the last few years. You have helped me and so many people . You have a Kind and beautiful Soul 🥰Looking forward to creating a new earth with you and other loving souls.Thanks to Leon and Pixie 💞 Linda F
Love you Christian. So glad you are here for us. Looking forward to a peaceful,love filled,exciting future for all of us.Big love for Pixie and Leon too!🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🩵🩵 Joseee
Thank you for being you an important part of our lives....lots and lots of love to you and your family. Thanks for being there for humanity.💖💖💖💖💖💖 LC
Thanks so much for everything you have done Christian 💖
At a time when so many of us thought we were literally losing the plot you were there with the answers and the reassurance we needed.
You have dedicated so much of not just your time but your whole soul into helping humanity. A shining star if ever there was one.
I look forward to creating a new earth with you and all the other loving souls.
We especially need all your really groovy dance moves 💖😁💖 Caroline Robertson
PIXIE 🧚♀️ - Thank you always for everything. 🩷