Growing Betta Fry

How to Maintain Growing Tank

To power-grow betta fry, you need to provide a proper environment for them. Here are the tips for water care and maintenance👇

Step #1 Refill treated/aged water

Refill the tank with treated/aged water to about half of the tank's height.

Water quality and temperature are crucial elements to successfully raising fry and stimulating fast growth.

Make sure to use only treated/aged water and correct the water temperature.

Step #2: Add blue salt

Add 5 small spoons of blue salt for big tank.

Blue salt helps to make the water suitable for fry to adapt to the environment. It also protects the fry from infection.

1 pinch of salt for every 1 litre of water, just enough to make the water blue.

Step #3: Add methylene blue liquid

Add 2 squirts of methylene blue liquid.

It is effective against skin and gill flukes, white spot, ick, velvet, fungus, parasites, and bacterial infections.

For prevention: 1 drop per 4 litres water
For treatment: 2 drops per 8 litres water

Step #4: Add AOG general tonic

Add 2 squirts of AOG general tonic.

It is used for daily treatment, velvet, white spot, fin rot, fungus, and prevention of internal disease.

For regular usage: 1 drop per litre water
For treatment: 3 drops per 2 litre water

Step #5: Add dried Ketapang leaves

Add a few dried Ketapang leaves on the last step.

It helps to stabilize the water PH, provide natural environment, and contains anti-bacterial properties.

Replace with new leaf every time you change the water.

Food For Fry

Here's a list of food you can feed your fry

Click on the links to check out the step-by-step guidelines⬇️

Recommendation #1: Kutu Air (Water Flea)

Highly recommended because it is easy to source for and good for fry too.

External link

Recommendation #2: Jentik-Jentik (Mosquito Larvae)

Mosquito larvae is a great choice of live food for betta fry.

External link

Recommendation #3: Tubifex Worms

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Recommendation #4: Bloodworm

It can be live or frozen bloodworm.

Recommendation #5: Pellet

Least recommended because it contaminates the water quickly and thus, causing the need to change water faster than other types of food.

Recommendation #6: Brine Shrimp