East steps of the capitol, 1pm to 3:30, being signs and water!
If you’d like to reach out about help getting downtown please email us at denver@fridaysforfutureusa.org or DM us at our Instagram fff.denver
East steps of the capitol, 1pm to 3:30, being signs and water!
If you’d like to reach out about help getting downtown please email us at denver@fridaysforfutureusa.org or DM us at our Instagram fff.denver
We are Fridays for future Denver📍asking for Government led climate action now. Made up of youth leaders all over the world FFF have been organizing climate action for years.
What we do? FFF Denver is part of the larger FFF community working to organize rally’s, strikes and protests. If you would like to help us stuff that you can do include, printing and distributing flyers and posters, organizing protests and permits, responding to emails, organizing community outreach, setting up tables advertising our group and more.
We require 0 commitment to be a part of FFF but if you would like to join those are some things you could help out with.
Please email us at denver@fridaysforfutureusa.org
Or DM us at instagram: fff.denver