
I want to help YOU heal YOU.

I use modalities like sound, movement, breath, art and energetics to create an experience of safety and relaxation in the body-- which promotes a healing environment while fostering intuition.

The first 2.5 decades of my life were full of chronic pain, illness and mental distress. Honestly, it sucked. But I wouldn't change it.

Pain became one of my greatest teachers for self regulation and understanding my body's needs.

Being thrust into a lacking allopathic medical system lead me to effective holistic and alternative healing practices.

The experience of mental distress fortified my sense of gratitude and ability to find joy in unlikely places.

Over the years I have navigated many road blocks and gathered countless tools for self healing, regulating and expressing.

I still experience chronic pain, illness and shifts in my mental capacity.. But I've let go of old limiting beliefs and re-written my story from a perspective of knowledge gaining and purpose, removing any victim narratives.

I am a Healing Guide.
I am a Teacher.

I want to help YOU heal YOU.

About Inner Environmentalism

A perspective of care

Step 1 - Awareness
> coming to a deep understanding that you are an environment made up of multiple ecosystems and that you have decision making power over all aspects

Step 2 - Gathering Data
> getting curious about the reciprocal interactions between your inner environment, it's ecosystems and the external environments you encounter

Step 3 - Stewardship
> utilizing your awareness and environmental interaction data to love, care for and protect your personal environment as you would the planet if you had global decision making power

Approaching self growth with..
*curiosity + play
*compassionate accountability

About Sound Therapeutics

The Power of Sound

I am a certified Sound Practitioner with a passion for guiding individuals to a stronger sense of connection, fostering their intuition to encourage self-healing.

My background as a musician inspires a carefully thought-out sound experience which draws the body into deep relaxation.

The sound bath is composed of chimes, crystal sound bowls, tongue drum and vocal overtoning. Beginning with gentle movement, breath-work and guided meditation to prepare the body to listen.

To me it's quite simple, the sound isn't doing the healing as much as it is guiding your body to relax into a state where healing can occur, that's the magic of it, you heal you.

More specific benefits of this deep relaxation are: reduced pain perception, increased quality of sleep and digestion, mental/emotional state of peace, reduced muscle tension and aids the body out of a stress response state allowing for a sense of safety/groundedness.


Energetic Work

1hr Private Energetic Session

Energetic work is a method of therapeutic touch based on knowledge that physical human connection relaxes the nervous system. In addition to this I believe my job as a practitioner is to provide a channel for surrounding, intelligent source energy to move through your body, re-introducing a state of flow and openness to your being.

Clients often express feeling lighter, clearer and less tense after sessions.

Energetic work can be a very helpful tool when you are:
- feeling stuck/stagnant in your life
- experiencing chronic pain/fatigue and or illness
- having depressive or anxious thoughts
- processing grief or trauma

Sliding Scale Fee
*need based, self identified
$65 - $95

Sound Sessions

customizable for you*

1 Hour Group Sound Session

Hosted at various locations:

Minimal gentle movement with guided breathing followed by a sound bath comprised of crystal sound bowls, tongue drum, chimes and vocal over-toning. Brief guided meditations are offered throughout to enhance mental and physical relaxation.



Bring the power of sound to your space
Email to book

Art & Sound Exploration

Tap in to an intuitive creative space you'd forgotten was yours in this guided, lighthearted exploration of Sound alongside a guided Art activity.

Can be hosted in a public event space but also great for private gatherings in your home!

1hr Private Sound Session

An immersive sound experience tailored to your unique needs. A great way to reset and restore the nervous system, increase mental clarity and boost mood.

Sliding Scale Fee
*need based, self identified
$65 - $95

Conscious Conversations

Small $ and Time Investment, BIG Shift

30 minute "Quick Fix"

A perspective shift approach:

Do you have something specific you need to talk through?

Would you like to shift and reframe the way your external experiences impact your internal state?

Are you moving through a transitional period?

Want to feel more inspired and present?

Lets have a conscious conversation about it!

I have an educational background in psychology and am intuitively guided to get to the root all situations. Trained in positive psychology techniques, yogic philosophy, meditation and mindfulness. With a lifetime of experience helping friends and family to feel empowered on their healing journey. I am also currently working through a Transformational Life Coach certification.

This offering is a low time and dollar investment ($30 for 30 minutes) lets get straight to the point and make immediate change, I can guarantee you will feel a minimum of 30% better post conversation.

We can do a phone or video chat and if you're local (Uxbridge, ON) we can meet up to go for a walk.

DM on Instagram or email to book!

*take advantage of our Holiday offering
5 conscious convos for $90
(essentially 2 free sessions!!)
Gift to yourself or a loved one!

75 minute "Deep Dive"

Same concept as 30 minute session with more time to co-create a list of tools an perspective shifts that will help you to live more intentionally. After each appointment you will receive a re-cap email of the main take aways from our session to keep you on track!

Sliding Scale Fee
*need based, self assessed
$65 - $95