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My official website is under construction but in the meantime, check out the links below to see how we can connect!
😢 There I was. 19 years old and so desperate to hear from God I did a two day voluntary fast and spent the entire weekend alone, outside and camping with the Lord.
I agonized.
I strained.
I worshipped.
I leaaaaaned as hard as I could into Him.
But it felt flat. Cold. I couldn’t even navigate which direction His presence might have been. It’s like he was straight ignoring me.
It was AWFUL.
I was heartbroken 💔 . Two days of seeking him and fasting and NOTHING.
Finally it was curfew on my Bible school campus and I had to head inside. So as I stood by our pond in the dark at 10:50 pm, tears flowing down my face, I said with a mixture of hurt feelings, betrayal and anger toward the Lord, “You know, YOURE the one who said if we seek you wholeheartedly, we will find you. That if we draw near to you, you’ll draw near to us. But you haven’t shown up at ALL! And I feel lied to.
So, if you want to redeem yourself (oh the arrogance 😣), you can give me a dream tonight. But let it be known, I’m so disappointed. And now I have to go inside.”
I sobbed to myself as I walked inside. I felt so lost and betrayed.
BUT… That night, He DID show up. He came to me in two dreams. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
The first dream was a super up close view of my face, where I could only see my eyes and top of nose, and my face was white pure porcelain, without even a pore. As I looked at this view, tear drops of blood appeared in the corners of my eyes and ran down my cheeks. 🩸
I felt immediately aware of the meaning. It seemed like the porcelain represented the purity of my heart in seeking the Lord so deeply, and the blood tears represented the intensity with which I sought him. This scene was the lord assuring me that he in fact had seen and heard me, and had been found by me. My time was not wasted.
😧The next dream was a dream of my angels. I had prayed many times in my life “Lord I’ve seen demons, but they’re unimpressive. Why can’t I see angels? I want to see my angels.”
One angel to my left was 7 foot tall man with the head of a lion 🦁 , and to my right, another with the head of an eagle 🦅 . I knew these were MY angels, assigned to me at birth and represented mantlings on my life.
As I saw this scene I was saying to myself in the dream “Jen!! Jen!!! He is showing you your angels!! Take note! Don’t forget!! He is showing you your angels!!”👼🏻
When I awoke I didn’t really know what they represented but years later prophet Phil taught me that they represented a Prophetic and Leadership set of gifts on me.
✨The Lord HAD showed up after all. Despite my spicy challenge, he saw my heart. He is indeed faithful.
This is one of the challenging moments among many in my journey to learn to hear God’s voice. Many tears. Many struggles. So. Much. Striving.
And you know, I’ve learned since then that hearing his voice comes much more easily in a state of restedness, not striving. In peace, not anxiousness. In a place of love, not fear. Humility causes him to draw near.
❤️For years now I have been able to confidently hear His voice and one of my life missions, my most primary focus, is to teach people how to simply and easily learn to hear His voice for everyday life.
💥Why? Because ONE encounter. ONE word from Him can change EVERYTHING.
💥That’s the mission behind my podcast. And now the mission behind this journal.
👉🏼Just because it’s a simple thing doesn’t mean it’s not life changing. 👈🏼
🤓My journal is the first book I’ve hit “publish” on and I’m so excited to have it available for you now!! 🎄
If you’d like a signed copy with a personalized note and free shipping, you can grab it here!
🎁 I love giving gifts and here are some free resources I’ve created for you to enjoy, whether you’re interested in podcasting or growing with Jesus! 🤩
New Year’s resolutions are fun to make… for about 15 minutes. But when only a measly 6% of people actually keep their resolutions, one starts to wonder “is there a better way to do this?” To which I say a resounding YES!!! Plan your year with the Holy Spirit. My new years planner is a free downloadable workbook you can print out and work through over a couple cozy prayer sessions, processing your next season with the Lord. I created it as a tool for myself and decided to share it with you! Enjoy… I’ll be pulling mine out again shortly! 🤩🎆👏🏼
So you’ve been wanting to start a podcast, huh? This simple but helpful checklist is like an overview, or a roadmap, of the steps you need to take to get from dream to Dream Show. It’s totally free! Go get you one.
Ever wondered what all the successful podcasts have in common? I narrowed it down to FIVE essentials (and a bonus one that has been a big part in my show’s success) that every great podcast does, and put them together in this free training for you. It’s loaded, and it’s so good. And if you end up wanting to start a podcast with me, there’s a steep discount included for you as well for being so awesome and watching the entire video (since clearly you’re determined!).
Podcasters have so many tasks to keep up with, it can feel like a lot at times. But with Ai on the scene, tasks that used to taken ten hours are now taking 10 minutes. Steal (actually, you can have them bc they’re free) five of my favorite prompts for boosting productivity and saving you hours of time. (Heck even if you’re not a podcaster you can tweak these prompts to fit your need. Don’t worry, I won’t tell.)
Get your FREE cheat sheet on how to discover what your spiritual gifts are, and then ten ways to take action TODAY on EACH ONE. You don’t want to miss this!!
People like to listen to podcasts on different platforms, so this link will take you to a collection of the top places Java with Jen can be found. Go subscribe, then come back here to snag some of my listener’s most favorite episodes!
You must be a bunch of romantics because this was my top episode in 2023! I can’t blame you, it’s great advice. 😍
Musician, Actor & Podcaster (& Husband to Comedian Anjelah Johnson) shares personal glimpses into his journey & faith as he pursued and achieved his life dream! You’ll be inspired & empowered by this one!
This episode is a personal favorite as I share something the lord spoke so kindly to me that FREED me from the guilt of it being so hard to find time to connect with him as a mom. What he spoke freed my heart and helped me tap into a totally new way of growing in Him even with the busyness of little ones. If you’ve struggled to get time with Jesus and felt guilty over it, this one is for you!
We all want to know what God is saying to us for our life... and the good news is you can LEARN to recognize his voice.
This is the second episode in a short series about learning to hear God’s voice. Don’t miss the first episode where I lay some really important ground work. Enjoy!
A message shared by me on the power of perspective. This one is a game changer episode.
Bold Magazine has been kind enough to feature me a few times! Here is a recent article they shared.
A short glimpse at my interview with Shawn Bolz & Bob Hasson on how to get a podcast started!
Join me on “Answering the Call To Write Podcast”
Join me on Kingdom Life Coaching Podcast as we talk about how to hear God’s voice and discern words of knowledge!
Join me and Rachel Ngom As we discuss podcasting with purpose on She’s Making An Impact Podcast
Join me on the Pockets of Knowledge podcast!
Pockets of knowledge podcast invited me to talk about hearing God’s voice!
Referral Links: Check out the links below to get a discount on some of my favorite things!
People who have been touched by my show often ask how they can give back, and these are the best ways! Thank you for your ongoing support… it blesses me so much!!!
Hey friend, my name is Jen... short for Jenilee. 🤗
At Java with Jen, my aim is to encourage and challenge you in learning to hear God’s voice better so you can successfully follow His lead in your life… (without being weird)!
I do this with really practical, fun & authentic conversations about everything that real life throws at us (as women) and how to follow Holy Spirit’s lead in it all. As a Pastor, boy-mom of four, podcast coach and former wardrobe stylist, you’ll catch me talking about the messy and unscripted parts of life with solid biblical teaching and story-driven inspiration. What an adventure it all becomes when you’re being led by your friend, the Holy Spirit!
When I’m not doing a solo episode, you’ll catch me interviewing some of the most impactful people I’ve ever met, and we will glean real life examples of how they followed Holy Spirit’s leading through their own unique stories which will leave you empowered to do the same.
Alongside that, if getting your voice out there is something you’ve wanted to explore, let me help you ignite your dreams of communicating to the masses by crafting a top tier podcast show with me as your coach. If you’d like to ask some questions, book a call with me to learn more!
Life’s Messy, Keep it Simple.
Learning to hear God’s voice for every-day life!
Lots of people have asked me to help them with starting their own podcast, so I decided to do just that! Join my free training on June 18th, 19th or 20th for just 60 minutes to learn my six best pro-podcaster tips that make the difference of a successful or unsuccessful show. Benefit from my years of trial and error in one hour. (There is no replay available, you must show up live!)
If you’d like to upgrade to the VIP PASS for just $17 it will score you forever access to the video, replay , a live Q&A, and $350 off my digital course putting it at half price! This little $17 investment is WORTH IT.
If you’re like “save the preliminaries, just give me your dang course!” Then grab the bottom link below! Use code WEBINAR300 to save $300! (That’s like 42% off!)