Embodying the Elements

A Holistic Guide to Harmony and Fulfillment

Combine the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, yin yoga, essential oils, affirmations, nutrition, self-care, self-awareness, journaling and mindset to break through emotional blocks and flow with ease into the life of your dreams.

Emotion: Fear

MERIDIANS: Kidney and Bladder

IMBALANCED: Anxious, insecure and ungrounded.

BALANCED: Calm, comfortable with routine, courageous, creative, confident and adaptable.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Cedarwood helps you connect to your inner strength and wisdom in times of crisis. Geranium helps you transform negative thoughts into more positive ones.

Yoga For Releasing Fear

Releasing Fear

This yin yoga sequence helps to release feelings of fear and promotes a sense of calm.



Props such as blocks, cushions or bolsters can be used to settle into each pose. Go as deep as you can until you reach your edge, without engaging your muscles or feeling any pain. Hold each pose for 3-5 minutes. Notice any physical, mental or emotional discomfort that shows up and breathe into it.

You can also enhance your yin yoga practice with music. Click on the following playlist to harmonize the Water Element.

Playlist: Release Fear


NOURISH: Walnuts and a variety of different seeds tonify the kidneys.

SELF-CARE: Create a nurturing routine.

SELF-AWARENESS: Notice when fear shows up. Breathe into the fear, give it space and allow it to be transformed into excitement.

JOURNAL PROMPT: Write about ways in which you can experience ease and flow throughout the day.

MINDSET: “Prepare the soil” and clean the slate. Clear physical, digital and mental clutter. Simplify, donate, unsubscribe and delete.

Nurture Yourself

Emotion: anger

MERIDIANS: Liver and Gallbladder

IMBALANCED: Resentful, frustrated, irritable, annoyed and stressed.

BALANCED: Energetic, resilient, active, assertive, kind, sensitive, strong, passionate and inspirational.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Lavender cools and calms feelings anger, resentment and irritability. Rose soothes and softens your heart, helping you to empathize with others.

Yoga For Releasing Anger

Releasing Anger

If you are experiencing excessive anger and frustration, this sequence can help bring about balance and support you.


Half butterfly
Twisted shoelace
Twisted dragon
Child’s pose
Happy baby
Twisted roots

Settle into each pose for 3-5 minutes. Go as deep as you can without engaging your muscles or feeling any pain. You can use props like blocks, bolsters or blankets if you like. Pay attention to the sensations in your body, allowing emotion to surface and pass.

To enhance your experience you can combine this sequence with music. The following playlist is designed to balance the Wood Element.

Playlist: Release Anger


NOURISH: Boost the liver’s ability to cleanse body of toxins by drinking Kombucha in place of alcohol. Other fermented foods and drinks are also beneficial.

SELF-CARE: Blow off steam! Movement is essential to happiness. Work up a sweat and stretch your muscles every day.

SELF-AWARENESS: When angered, be mindful of saying or doing something you might regret. Notice if your boundaries have been crossed. Repressed anger builds up into resentment. Breathe into your anger and use this energy to assert your needs with kindness and compassion.

JOURNAL PROMPT: Write about how anger alerts you to injustice. This creates clarity and guides you into taking compassionate action to improve on certain situations.

MINDSET: Power ahead and grow. Use the power and strength of anger to envision, plan and begin something new. Start with baby steps and build momentum until it becomes a habit.

Start Growing

Emotion: Joy

MERIDIANS: Heart and Small Intestine

IMBALANCED: Overly emotional, melodramatic, listless and burned-out.

BALANCED: Happy, joyful, fun, lively, optimistic and charismatic. ⠀

ESSENTIAL OILS: Bergamot uplifts, promoting feelings of happiness and joy⁣. Jasmine connects you to your heart's desire and opens you to receiving love.⁣

Yoga For Experiencing Joy

Experiencing Joy

This Yin Yoga sequence creates balance, allowing for you to experience greater emotional harmony and happiness.


Reclined butterfly
Supported fish
Supported bridge
Supported upward plank
Melting heart
Child’s pose with prayer hands
Cow face pose
Star pose with reverse prayer

Props are recommended to help you relax and surrender to the joy of the present moment. Breathe deeply and smile with your heart. Hold each pose from 1-5 minutes. Appreciate being alive and acknowledge your inner light.
Enhance your experience with music. This playlist harmonizes the Fire Element.

Playlist: Experience Joy


NOURISH: Strengthen your heart by eating red, heart shaped foods like tomatoes, strawberries, cherries and red peppers.

SELF-CARE: Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for your shortcomings.

SELF-AWARENESS: Notice what brings you joy. Allow the energy of appreciation to expand and fill your whole body. Breathe in gratitude. Exhale love and light.

JOURNAL PROMPT: Write a joy list of simple pleasures that you can do at any time.

MINDSET: When you catch yourself in a negative thought, you do not need to make it worse with self-judgement. You can alchemize your attitude with Hoʻoponopono, which means “make it right.” Simply say these four phrases to take full responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions and increase your capacity to give as well as receive warmth, light and love.

I’m sorry.✨⠀
Please forgive me.✨⠀
Thank you .✨⠀
I love you.✨


Emotion: Worry

MERIDIANS: Spleen and Stomach

IMBALANCED: Worried, overwhelmed, uncertain and caught up in overthinking.

BALANCED: Grounded, stable, intuitive, clear-minded, centered and connected to purpose.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Sandalwood wood helps alleviate worry and replaces it with peace. Frankincense soothes and centers the mind.⠀

Yoga For Releasing Worry

Releasing Worry

⁣This yin yoga sequence brings clarity, soothing an overactive mind filled with overwhelm and worry.


Ankle stretch
Toe squat
Child’s pose
Child’s pose with twist
Deer with twist
Half saddle
Cat pulling its tail

To get out of your head and into your body, hold each posture for 3-5 minutes as you find stillness in the present. Noticing the sensations in your body will quiet your mind.⠀

For an enhanced experience, you can practice with the following playlist. It designed to tonify the Earth Element. ⠀

Playlist: Release Worry


NOURISH: Golden milk eases digestion, decreases inflammation and strengthens the spleen.

SELF-CARE: Fill your cup with a luxurious ritual. Soothe your body, mind and soul. Savor the practice of cultivating self-love and respect.

SELF-AWARENESS: How do you spend your time and energy? Be mindful about what you devour and choose to consume that which is beneficial to you.

JOURNAL PROMPT: Get out of your head. Free write about your thoughts to digest your worries and connect to your inner wisdom.

MINDSET: Enjoy the journey. Celebrate small wins as well as big breakthroughs. Be nourished by your efforts. Each time you follow through, you are one step closer to the expression of your unique gifts.

Celebrate Your Success!

Emotion: Sadness

MERIDIANS: Lung and Large Intestine

IMBALANCED: Unworthy, attached, depressed, stubborn, overly critical and judgmental.

BALANCED: Worthy, ambitious, determined, organized, disciplined, philosophical, spiritual and capable of letting go.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Eucalyptus is soothing and dispels negativity. Clary Sage boosts self-esteem, providing mental strength and hope.

Yoga For Letting Go

Letting Go

This yin yoga sequence aids in letting go and releasing attachments, promoting feelings of trust and appreciation for what is.


Child’s pose with side stretch
Melting heart
Open wing
Rolling panda
Reclined eagle
Go through these postures to embody and connect to your value. Hold each one for 3-5 minutes as you turn inward and find your center. Inhale and feel the space inside your body. Notice what is worthy and exhale what no longer serves you.⁣⠀
To complement your experience, practice with the following playlist. It balances the Metal Element in your body.⁣⠀

Playlist: Let Go

Let Go

NOURISH: Intermittently fast to cleanse the body of toxins. Drink herbal teas with pungent spices such as cinnamon, ginger, clove and anise to clear congestion.⠀

SELF-CARE: Allow yourself to be inspired. Read an uplifting book or listen to a podcast. Appreciate the beauty of nature. Learn to play an instrument. Turn on some music and move your body. Create art.

SELF-AWARENESS: Notice what is heavy and weighing you down. Release what is finished to create space for fresh beginnings.

JOURNAL PROMPT: If anything was possible, what would you do? Who would you be? Answer these questions in the present tense. Be specific. What do you see, smell and hear? Who are you with? How do you feel? Allow excitement to bubble up as you step into this vision of your future.

MINDSET: Focus on the practice instead of the performance. Practice for the love of practicing. ⁣Cultivate your gifts to realize your fullest potential. Share your unique expression with the world and inspire others as you fulfill your purpose.

Become limitless


My journey to self-love...

It all started with just one commitment to myself— my yoga practice. Each time I stepped onto the mat, I gifted myself a moment of self-care. This small ritual slowly resulted in big changes.

Consistency in my routine gave me strength, balance and flexibility to navigate life’s daily challenges with greater ease. Growth and increased awareness paved the way to making better decisions and defining clearer boundaries.

I have learned to be more accepting of my shortcomings, as well as determined to show up for myself and create the life I desire.

I am now a certified life coach, yoga teacher and meditation instructor —equipped with tools to guide you along your path to fulfillment.

Do you want to make changes in your life but struggle to get started and commit?

✨Click on the link below to schedule a free initial session.✨

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

~Lao Tzu