Sunday Assignments

  1. Live video

    If you normally do a live video today
    continue with your schedule.

    However, if your live video is not giving value or generating leads you need to spend that time planning and preparing content for the week.

    - Write out your Live Videos for the week.
    - PRACTICE your intro
    - Create great captions to posts.
    - Have a photo shoot
    - Batch TikToks and Reels
    - Have your Hashtags ready

    By planning this out week after week, you will be less stressed and will be able to complete more tasks without burnout.

Monday Assignments

  1. Product Live

    This is a 5-7 minute live video where you explain what Ketones are, who they are for and how to get them.

    Calls to Action:

    - Comment 1 if you’re watching LIVE
    - Comment 2 if you’re watching the REPLAY
    - Comment NEW if you are new to my page
    - Comment 3 if you need any of these betters:
    Mood, Energy, Focus, Appetite Control, Sleep, Digestion, Muscle retention
    SHARE before and better pictures from SPR with Testimonials (print off at home, library or drug store)
    - Comment TRIAL if you would like a flavor trial
    - Comment 2022 if you would like to learn more of how I’ve bettered my health and made an income from home.

Thursday Assignments

  1. Interactive Post

    This is a great way to interact with your following and create relationships
    Go to Pinterest and Search β†’

  2. Business Live - Level 2 and 3 Only

    Grab two or three people to do this Live.

    Interview each other on your BRAND #3 TIPS.


    Talk about things you've learned this week, funny stuff that happened, create an entertaining dialog for 20-30 mins MAX!

Friday Assignments

  1. Freebie Friday Post

    This is a great way to find people that are interested in ketones. Check out the Freebie Friday board for a template if you need.
    You will NOT be sending them to SPR, instead go to boards and follow the freebie friday flow.

  2. Trial Packing Live

    This is a great way to connect with your following. If you have not sold any trials all week, you can pack (pre-sale trials). Make sure you mention freebie friday!

    You will only sell what you believe you can. If you only have product for consumption, create 2 five packs, wrap up and offer them. Do NOT unwrap them, sell them.

    Check out the Daily Live Planner for your outline

Saturday Assignments

  1. Super Saturday Post

    This is a great time to post your favorite Breakfast, Saturday work tips, Brand tips, etc.

    GIVE your audience valuable information AND a pretty picture. Encourage them to share the post.
    Follow UP - Create Community/ build trust

    Interact with people in the comment section of the post. Go to their pages and love and comment on their posts.

  2. Story Live (Brand 2)

    This is a great way to build your Story telling skills.

    Do a live coaching on your brand. Share your story from Tuesdays Post.
    Who were you before, Tips on how you got to where you are now and Where do you see yourself going.
    7-10 minutes

    If you do this on an hour long TikTok Live, do something at the same time ... makeup, get ready with me, knit a sweater....anything! Then in that amount of time, share your story twice

Sunday Assignments

  1. Sunday Post

    Today is FAMILY day! Post something about your family, pets or loved ones.

    Include a pretty picture and some words describing what they mean to you and how grateful you are for them.
    Let people get to know you and your family a little more.