I grew up in York, PA. If you’re not familiar with the area, it’s a rather large county in south central Pennsylvania. Little bit of city, little bit of suburb, little bit of farm. I lived in York my whole life until moving shortly after college.
I always knew I wanted to go to Penn State. My parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins all went there. I grew up on Penn State.
I started at the York branch campus. At the time, I was sad that I wasn’t going to be at University Park for my whole college career but now I am so grateful I started at Penn State York. People jokingly referred to it as “Penn State York High” because it was such a small campus. There were maybe 1200 students. I loved it though. I made so many wonderful friends and rekindled friendships with people I’d known since I was a child.
Once I went to University Park my junior year, I made even more friends, and fell even more in love with Penn State. College was such an amazing experience and I’m so thankful for it, even if I do not use my degree for its intended use. I learned so much, both education-wise and life-wise. I graduated in 2016 with a BA in psychology and a minor in business.
After college, I moved home for a few months before moving to West Chester for a year. Well long story short, I realized I was very unhappy and alone in West Chester and in my relationship at the time, and I didn’t really like my job. So I left all three, moved back to York, and closed that chapter of my life.
Back in York with my family, I started to work for my dad. His business is centered around small businesses and financial services. I am still working there now with him and perform many services including income tax prep, business organization and running payrolls for many small businesses.
A few months after beginning to work for Zunic Advisory Services, I moved across the river to Lancaster! I had made many friends in the Lancaster area and I really loved the area so I gave up my almost non-existent commute for a Lancaster address! Still living out here and loving it.
Shortly after moving into my own place I embraced my inner crazy cat lady and adopted two wonderful little kitties! Java and Cheerio, who were in a room together with 6 other kitties at the York SPCA, were 2 years old and 1 year old when I took them home. They are the best of friends and enjoy snuggling together, playing with toys, snoozing, being brushed, treatos, and loving their momma. They are my fur babies and they’re the best!
Fast forward to 2020. I know, a hell of a year. But this was the year I said yes to an amazing opportunity with MONAT. I took the leap and have since made so many lifelong friends, learned so much, stepped out of my comfort zone, climbed through a few ranks in the business, made some extra dollars, and gained so much confidence in myself in so many ways.
2020 was also the year I started dating my person. I had met Trey actually right around the time I moved to Lancaster. We had been friends for all those years and he had just moved back to the Lancaster area in 2020. That summer, we started spending lots of time together. Things just clicked and we fell into utter happiness with each other. Now he is my roommate, best friend, FIANCÉ, and cat dad to my kitties!
That’s just the tip of the iceberg but that’s a general synopsis of my story and how I got to where I am! Want to get to know me more? Exchange cat pictures? Join my beauty business? Shoot me a message!