About Me

My why and path forward...

My passion is helping inspire and empower others towards a balanced and better lifestyle...I want to share what I've learned so you can feel better too!

My story...
I know the impact of working in challenging, fast-paced and ever-changing environments. My journey to yoga began as a necessary lifestyle change due to the impact of 20+ years of long hours commuting and working in a sedentary job in that kind of environment. I was in pain and I was not headed down a good path between my family history, stress at work, and being in the sandwiched generation with young children and elderly parents to care for. I knew something had to change. I had this feeling that I was to take a new path and I needed to step up.

My fitness journey was intermittent since my late teens and as a middle-aged mom, my metabolism suffered. I finally committed to make fitness a more consistent part of my life. I worked hard at home to get in shape and eat more nourishing foods, lost weight and joined a gym, but I knew my path forward wasn't just about the physical impact. From my experience, it was clear there is a deep connection and balance between the mind, body and spirit. If one area is imbalanced, it affects the others. So I needed a sustainable way to carve out time for working on nourishing and nurturing my whole self.

Yoga aligns with this beautifully, and as I started attending various classes, it brought me focus and peace, as well as increased balance, strength, energy and mobility. Stepping out of the bubble of stress and tending to my wellness felt good! I was able to be a better, braver me.

My path forward continues and now as a RYT, I am loving every opportunity to teach yoga and share my learnings! Contact me to discuss how I can empower you to feel better too!

Meet on the mat...

Group Classes

City of Brampton Recreation

Teaching various yoga classes at City of Brampton Community Centres, taught with a Mindfulness focus.

Message me for more information.

Brampton Class Registration

Workplace Wellness benefits everyone!

Enhance Workplace Culture & Wellness Initiatives with my Corporate Yoga classes

Mindfulness focused yoga practices will provide your employees with the tools they need to be well both in and out of the workplace. If that wasn't really an organizational priority before, it should be now more than ever because their wellness benefits everyone, not just themselves. The impact of mindfulness is felt by all, and leadership that empowers employees is so much more effective.

So why choose me?

My PASSION is helping inspire and support others to strive to be their best.

Through my UNIQUE LENS of 20+ years in corporate roles facilitating, instructing, co-developing and supporting various learning, growth and wellness initiatives, I excel at helping individuals and teams focus, listen and collaborate in order to improve communication, understanding and effectiveness. 

Now, I am able to offer THE FULL PACKAGE, with corporate expertise and mindful yoga practices guiding individuals and teams to improve their focus, engagement, and overall wellness.

FREE consultation: Whether it's a series of recurring group classes, wellness focused organization-wide or team-specific events, or a workshop themed approach you're looking to roll out, contact me to discuss options that work for your organization.

VIP treatment: Not sure or need an overhaul to offer a more robust Employee Wellness Program? Book a VIP 1/2 day where decision makers can explore my Mindfulness practices together and map out a strategy to build or enhance corporate culture and wellness initiatives.

Private Sessions (Limited, local & online)

Prefer 1on1 instruction?

You are worth caring about.
Invest in your wellness.

Wherever you are at with your personal practice, my 1 hr private sessions will guide you to find more balance mind, body, and spirit.

This is about you, your journey, and your wellness.

So, start by starting. Contact me for a FREE consultation.

On-demand Library Coming Soon!

Convenient & ready when you are, subscribe for access to a balanced variety of online classes!

I know how awful it feels to be rushing to class...this world has rushed us around enough! I also know we need to have more fun and variety to improve our wellness journey, or it will be harder to commit long-term.

If you feel the same, you'll love the on-demand class library, with a comprehensive range of beginner and intermediate mindfulness, hatha, and yin yoga practices. Plus, I'm committed to ongoing learning so my content will grow and improve with the times!

Find me on social media!

Free videos, tips and inspiration...

My YouTube Channel

New YouTube Channel!

Check out my free video content...go ahead, give it a try and see how you feel!

20 Minute Mindful Movement

20 Minute Yin Yoga for Connective Tissue

5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

10 Minute Yin Yoga Practice

Top Pics Gallery

The Journey

Caught up in the moment

Ready, set, action!

Learning the nuances of practicing on the mat in front of a camera 📸

Close your eyes

Sometimes you just need to close your eyes, take a few extra breaths in a pose and really feel grateful 🙏


Getting the hang of social media!

It's official

I'm officially a YouTuber!

Other Inquiries

Not sure about something or still have questions?