My Story

You can call me Tee 😊

But my real name is Teirrah J. Stroman. I am a South Central Los Angeles Native who loves to cook, dance, sing, spend time with my loved ones and even buss a few freestyles from time to time. I am a passionate individual who truly cares about the well-being of others. I take special care to consider those of us who do not live in communities with healthy accesses to quality fresh food 🥦 and water 💧.

I decided to gain more knowledge on how I can be of service to those around me so I went to college to become a Physician’s Assistant (well that’s what I thought at least 😭). I quickly realized after my first Nutrition class that I was not interested in that anymore & I was ready to fully dive into the field of Food & Nutrition . I graduated from Harbor College with my degrees in Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Health & Fitness, & Social & Behavioral Science. Throughout the beginning of my college career I was often one of the only black female students in my courses. As a result, I spoke with my Counselor Ms. Brown and informed her that I would like to transfer, but not to just any school I wanted to transfer to an HBCU.

Me being a California native and knowing next to nothing about HBCU’s besides what I’ve learned from movies like School Daze, tv-shows, and poorly discussed brief history on the subject I knew I needed to learn more about the rich history of these landmarks. So I committed myself to the task, and when I am committed I become obsessed. I learned all I could from campus websites, documentaries, along with all the wonderful books about the leaders & inventors who came from HBCU’s in combination with the YouTube HBCU freshman vlogs, needless to say I was in a chokehold. I was involved in a plethora of clubs and even brought one to the Harbor College campus with the help of my counselor and mentor Ms. Brown; it was called the Umoja Program. Through that program I was able to attend not one but TWO all expense paid Black College Tours and baby I got my entire life. I was immediately in love 😍. That experience allowed me the opportunity to visit and get my acceptance to the Illustrious Tuskegee University where I received my degree in Food and Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics from the College of Agriculture, Environmental & Nutrition Science. Although the road was not an easy one it was most certainly the most rewarding.

I am a firm believer in the Most High God and I know that I was sent to Tuskegee for a reason. Alabama is certainly a long way from home and Tuskegee Alabama is not only a historical landmark but in truth the history of Tuskegee is not too far behind it, there is still extreme lack of access to transportation and good quality healthy food, the University does it’s level best but in terms of the whole city a lot is still missing. The statistical fact of the matter is that Alabama is ranked number 7 in terms of obesity percentage (36.10%). There is no major grocery store in the city of Tuskegee, no viable public transportation, and few resources to provide access to fresh and healthy foods. The city of Tuskegee is a food desert, but it doesn’t have to remain that way. I endured so much during my time there and the experience provided many tests but it has made me stronger and given me clarity.

Through my experience I am now able to clearly identify where the need is. That is why I have created Health 2 the Tee. I understand that health education is few and far between and when it is available it’s not relatable or reliable. It’s usually not very well explained or it doesn’t speak to peoples lived experiences, traditions, and backgrounds. An important fact to note is there is hardly any Black Food & Nutrition healthcare professionals or scientists & only 2.9% of the nations dietitians are black. So I have created this platform to spearhead the conversation on lack of representation as a healthcare professional and as a patient dealing with a care provider. My goal is to open the door for us to heal, laugh, love, and learn about how wellness is so much more than what we eat. It’s a Mind, Body, and Soul thing, I want to get us to better wellness.

About me Video!

Health 2 the Tee Wellness Approved Foods List

Allow this list to serve as a small helpful guide and nutritional support list. Feel free to mix some of these foods up!

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