Hi, I'm Line, The Purple Seeker

...and I am your guide in this journey!

Meet Line – a soulful guide, transformation coach, and tarot consultant.

Line is a social worker and an advocate of children and youth welfare. She weaves magic in project development and training management, and even shares her wisdom as a resource person for different topics on social work and social development. In 2019, she started on a journey with the tarot, using its ancient wisdom for empowerment and healing. By 2023, this journey led her to become a certified transformation coach.

Line’s calling is to guide souls who are being called to maximize their potential; those who are in their own journeys and are already tired, frustrated, and so close to giving up ~~ but chose not to. She believes in the power within each individual. Her mission is to empower people through the lens of the tarot.

She sees tarot as a gentle guide, not a fortune teller. Her transformational coaching approach is like a dance – understanding the rhythm of patterns, gracefully breaking free when they no longer serve, and moving forward guided by the wisdom of tarot, and transformation coaching.

When she’s not illuminating paths for others, Line channels her spirit into music and writing. She weaves melodies on the piano, guitar, and ukulele, and pours her heart into stories and poetry.

In Line, you’ll find not just a coach, but a fellow traveller on this spiritual journey.

Adulting Souls Coaching

Supporting You Through the Challenging Season of Your Life – Adulthood!


Take this self-paced workshop to help you set clear and aligned intentions, goals, and action plans so you can orchestrate all your energy to create a beautiful melody called LIFE this year!