The Voyage System
We are a mixed origins system of around 40 members.
We are a mixed origins system of around 40 members.
⭐ Proto-Traumagenic, Mixed Origins
💫 Trans bodied
🌙 Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder
☄️ Went to school for game design
🌠 Disabled; CFS, Chronic Pain, possible nerve disorder
🪐 We have two cats, James and Jeffery.
🌟 We play piano and guitar
🌈 We love art and crafting, with a focus on drawing, papercrafts, and macreme.
☀️ A good amount of us are witches. With a variety of religious beliefs. Most of us are Agnostic.
Members who are at least half of the time under 18.
Age type and numerical age
More specifically how do you define your role(s) or lack thereof?
How do you experience attraction and to who
How do you experience gender, and what is your gender(s)
What are you interested in
How do you describe your style/aesthetic
Are you an introject? If so tell us about your source (if comfortable), and how you are effected by it. You dont have to go into detail.
CW: pedophilia, s/a, discrimination
If we need to add something to the cw, please let us know
🌑 We support all system origins and types. We do not discriminate against systems of any kind and we always assume that a system is real until they admit otherwise.
🌒 We support self diagnosis in the realm of mental health. Physical health issues are highly dependant on the situation and what is being self diagnosed. We also expect that all those who self diagnose are honest about their self diagnosis.
🌓 We do not agree with the idea of normalizing pedophilia and zoophilia. These are mental illnesses at best, and abuse at worst. If you have an attraction to minors, you need to seek help, and if youve acted on those desires, or used those sorts of actions to control someone, you need to be separated from society, (and also get help).
🌔 We are not Anti-religion. We are anti-dogma. Religion should be purely personal and should not harm or control you or anyone around you.
🌕 We are supportive of all identities, labels, and orientations whether they are intrinsic to who you are or just something you relate to on a deep level, so long as they are not supporting harmful actions or steriotypes. Because who you are is such an important part of life. Discovering who you are can give you the information you need to live your best life. The better you know yourself, the less likely abusers and other harmful people will be able to change you.
🌖 We support LGBTQIA people and MOGAI. It has already been scientifically proven that these variations in human experience are real and that the difficulties that come from them go away when we acknowledge that they are real and we do what we can to affirm them, be that by supporting equal access to marriage and relationships or supporting access to life saving treatments and proceedures.
🌗 We are body positive. There are certain conditions that contribute to weight gain and loss that are not treatable via diet and excersize. Some even make gaining and losing weight impossible even with diet and excersize. On top of this, bone structure and musculature can contribute to weight and the appearance of weight. Since we cant always control these things, its best for us to stop shaming people for their body and appearance in general and start working to erase this shame from society. And for those who can control their weight and need to for health reasons, the less shame they feel, the more they will love themselves and thus want to take care of themselves.
🌘 We are pro-contraception and pro-choice.Its irresponsible to bring a baby into the world when you arent ready for one. Most abortions happen within the first trimester, and the ones that happen later are usually for life or death reasons. And if we teach about safe, consensual sex and contraception, the less abortions and STIs will happen, and the less sexual assaults will happen. This is a studied and scientifically proven fact.
🌑 We are not vegan, but we are anti-industrial farming. Industrial farming not only is cruel to animals but also contributes heavily to climate change.
🌕 We dont really know what our political stance is, but we do lean socialist. We believe that as automation becomes more and more a part of society, the less capitalism functions at all because how are we supposed to survive without jobs to give us money for food. On top of this we dont believe in this every man for himself attitude that comes along with capitalism. Its a very self centered, unloving, ableist, sexist and racist form of society. It leaves those less fortunate in the dust and gives a boost to those who dont need it.
I'm a middle/systeen. I'm around 12 - 14 years old. I kinda slide around I guess lol.
I'm an encourager and I help Daniel with solving religious disputes. So I guess Encourager, Peace keeper
I'm only attracted to girls and those who identify as girls. But like....I guess im only mildly interested in girls because im pretty monogamous and I'm still dating Katara....even though we're separated right now. Im not really interested in relationships right now basically.
I'm a cis guy. Pretty standard cis guy stuff. In my culture theres not really gendered presentation,. So gender presentation is n/a for me. Theres just like...different clothing for different roles.
I'm interested in learning about this world's religions and beliefs and learning about how varied and cool the world is. I wanna ride a roller coaster someday.
Air nomad. Pretty standard air monk style.
I'm Aang from ATLA (Avatar the Last Airbender). Pretty straightforward. I guess I introjected before we watched Legend of Korra cuz i'm still a kid.
I'm a slider but I always stay within the range of adulthood. I slide back and forth between the body age and 21 at the youngest.
I'm a traumaholder, but I dont see that as a role, I do see my job as co-head of the welcoming committee as a role though. I guess the short word for that would be greeter.
I'm sex repulsed asexual and fluxromantic. I'm FIN attracted. I concider myself a Bi-Lesbian.
I am a cis female. My gender matches both my internal body, and the external body, aside from secondary sex characteristics. My gender expression and alignment match my gender as well.
I like reading, writing, drawing, and spending time with the people I love.
I like comfy, soft clothes and rainy days with a warm cup of hot cocoa. I like the cold, because it means I can wear sweaters without being too hot.
I am not an introject. I am one of three protogenic headmates (aka plural since birth). My system brother and sibling are Daniel and Dani.
Technically I fit into the ageless category because I feel as if age has no meaning to me anymore, due to my source, aside from Adult vs Minor distinctions.
I'm a protector. I tend to be the first one to question if something is ok treatment or not. Sometimes this can make me a little jumpy, but I'm working on that.
I'm Minsexual and under the vincian umbrella. Colloquially I just say I'm gay though lol.
I'm a trans man, but I'm a little more soft and slightly feminine in presentation.
I like sewing, crafts, and recently have been enjoying piano.
I like soft sweaters, knee and thigh high socks, shorts, pastels, natural tones. I like parkas, especially with the fluffy hood. Usually I'm not one for busy patterns. I prefer solids and tone on tone stuff. I like ethereal dreamlike aesthetics with a sense of nostalgia and simplicity.
I'm a fictive of a fandom OC the system created. Later on I helped the system move my source out of the fandom and into a original setting. We introjected that version of me too and now both versions are my sources. One version wasn't humanoid so I internally shift between either internal body. It can be confusing for me and I sometimes mix up my sources. I also have exo-memories from both, and I'm non-human due to both. I'm whats called a Dreamform, which is a closed species we designed based on my first source.
Adult/Big, Age vague. Around 23-27
I'm a greeter. I greet and get members settled in the system and make sure they understand everything. I also tend to take care of the body better than others. I can get very protective as well. I'm under struggler due to the extreme dysphoria I feel that motivates me to take care of the body.
I'm extremely asexual, asensual, aromantic etc but I am FIN-idyllic, meaning I want to be attracted to those who are Feminine in nature, and omni-aesthetic, meaning I can appreciate the look of anyone, sometimes related to their gender expression.
I am hyper feminine. I am a girl/lady and in a strange place between being cis and trans
I like lolita fashion, alternative style, cute feminine things, videogames, and fashion/makeup
Cutecore, candycore, kawaii, lolita fashion.
I'm a aesthetive, which means I formed through an attachment to an aesthetic, that was repressed due to pressure from cringe culture. Instead of the headmate, who was interested in lolita fashion, letting that interest integrate with their personality, they pushed it aside as something that would discredit them being transmasc.
Age Slider 13-21
I take care of the body sometimes, I protect the system sometimes, And I'm looking to be a reformer
I'm only attracted to people I think are interesting. Dont know what thats called. And it isnt so much a sexual attraction as it is an obsessive one. Dont remember the term for that. This isnt in a creepy stalker way. Its more in a BPD, favorite person way.
Partial girl. I guess demi-girl but i dont like the term. FIN Non-binary?
I like gardens and tea. Herbal things. Nature, hiking, outdoorsman kinda stuff.
Casual and simple with vibrant punches of color. Occasionally I like to play with dark subject matter. Its probably how I vent, idk.
I am Chara from Undertale. Not the murdering kind of Chara. I have some kind of ASPD for sure, but I understand right from wrong. People truly are appallingly assumptive about people.
Age vague, around 21
Symptom holder, Trauma holder
Complicated. Im XIN and FIN simultaneously. My XIN half is essentially a combination of Sunsetgender and Hibiscian. It feels like a sunset over a beach covered in hibiscus, and full of love and warmth. My FIN gender is described well by the term Demigirl, but I also like flyxian cuz it combines the floral aspects with the feminine.
I like making music, learning languages, and making art.
I like crop tops, denim, cute smilies, hearts, and flowers, patches, overalls, especially overall shorts, and floral patterns.
Short answer: I'm not sure.
Around 25 to 30
I assist in a variety of tasks internally. Im also a reformer.
True crime, Mystery, Espionage, Tokyo
Sometimes casual, sometimes clean cut, sometimes edgy
Part of me is an introject of Joker from Persona 5. The other part was a member that formed in responce to the events of 2020.
30. Adult
I stand up for our system's rights and make sure these idiots actually bathe once in a while.
Im not interested
My gender is none of your business
I like fashion, makeup, and looking good and making other things look good.
I guess ive been described as a "Girl boss".
Again, none of your business. Ive been around since we were kids though.
I'm not human and dont age. I think I been alive for over 700 years but Ive lost count and it aint never mattered before.
I'm mainly a protector, but I help out where I'm needed as well. I am also a pain holder. I can handle physical pain better than the rest of the system and I usually am pulled front by unbearable pain.
I'm Bisexual with a homosexual lean. I'm allo romantic and dont experience split attraction.
I'm a trans man, masculine in presentation and I feel male too.
I've always been fascinated by the 1920s, I've lived there long enough it feels more like home to me than the pocket dimension I own.
1920s. And I guess that translates to vintage in this time period.
I'm a fictive of an OC named Kayn that was made by this system. I'm a species called a Dreamform and the era and universes I preferred were 1920s and variations on that. So I settled into this era and ditched every time the 1930s came around, then I'd go to another universe set in the 1920s and I'd bunker down for another 10 years. Theres a lot of detail to my source so if you want to know, its better to just ask me questions.
I'm far too old for this to matter. My species lives for a long time.
I'm assigned a team, so I'm a front runner. I take care of the members in our system and our body.
I'm Omni-Fray-Sexual so I have sexual attraction to any gender at first but lose that attraction after engaging with that person. I'm Demi-Romantic and extremely selective about who I'm with romantically. I'm definitely more Pan in the romance department.
What is gender. But in all seriousness, I'm gender non conforming. I do not use the word femboy, please do not use it to describe me.
I like reading, relaxing, and counselling
I wear a lot of sheers, shorts, overdresses, blouses, and generally very flowy clothing. I like southern aesthetics, like peach tea, back patios, summer days, sun hats, things like that.
I'm an introject of an OC of the system's. In my source I'm a shapeshifter who runs a safehouse for multiverse castaways. If you lost your universe, I probably would have invited you to stay, provided you agreed to follow the rules. Many of those I rescued from homelessness were children. Some of which did have a universe technically, but no family to speak of. I served as a parent to these castaway children and made sure they were fed, given a basic education, and their needs were met, and I would try to help them reach their goals and aspirations.