

Please click below for our sale bunnies!


Welcome to Urban Hops Rabbitry! We are a small family-run Rabbitry located in Winston-Salem, NC. We have over 9 years of experience raising rabbits. Although we haven't shown rabbits lately, we are hoping to do more in the future.

We are closed, which means we do not accept visitors into our barn for bio-security reasons. We only have about 20 Holland lop breeders, so each bunny is handled often. We have show quality Holland Lops in a variety of colors, from excellent lines. We also just added a trio of Tans from excellent lines.

Scroll to the right for more info on our rabbits.


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Holland Lops

We raise show quality Holland Lop rabbits to the Standard of Perfection. Our rabbitry is registered with ARBA. Please click this link to see our Holland Lops.

Holland Lops

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"Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17


North Carolina
For Sale
Holland Lop
Netherland Dwarf
Rabbit for sale in North Carolina
Rabbits available in Winston-Salem
Rabbit near me
Netherland dwarf available in North Carolina
Holland lop available in Winston-Salem

For Sale

Updated March 1, 2025

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Holland Lop/Netherland Dwarf cross male

$25. Very cute bunny. Has been a pet for over a year. Very friendly - a little more shy.

Netherland dwarf buck

$25 Very sweet tiny boy. About a year old. Has been a pet a year! Very fun, bouncy personality.


Gorgeous boy. Going as a pair with the doe below. He's 5m old. Both have full pedigrees. $100 for the pair.


Gorgeous girl. About 7m old. Need to move! $100 for BOTH tans.

Sales Policy Page 1

Sales Policy Page 2

Care and Tips




North Carolina
For Sale
Holland Lop
Netherland Dwarf
Rabbit for sale in North Carolina
Rabbits available in Winston-Salem
Rabbit near me
Netherland dwarf available in North Carolina
Holland lop available in Winston-Salem

Our Bucks

Updated March 1, 2025

These are the boys in our herd!

Urban Hops Denali

Broken Black Senior buck.
Out of Southern Blue Zephyr x Dream Bunnies Dizzy Lizzy. Proven!

Urban Hops Baloo

Siamese Sable Young Sr. Buck
Sire: Urban Hops Denali (broken black)
Dam: Urban Hops Cadence (chinchilla)

Urban Hops Prince Charming

Broken Cream Buck Young Sr.
Sire: Dream Bunnies Cream Pie (lilac cream)
Dam: Urban Hops Chocolate (broken chestnut)

Urban Hops Globe Trotter

Tort Jr. Buck
Sire: Urban Hops King (black)
Dam: Cammacks Louiji (blue tort)

Urban Hops Royal Edict

Blue Otter Jr. Buck
Sire: LLL/RHR Beep (chocolate otter)
Dam: Urban Hops Shasta (broken blue)

Sea Salt's Dragon Slayer

Fuzzy Tort Jr Buck

Urban Hops Fudge Dipped

Black Tan Buck

Our Does

Updated March 1, 2025

These are our girls!

Cammacks Louiji

Blue tort Sr doe from Cammacks Rabbitry in Maine.

L&R Angelou

Black Sr. Doe from Linda Jinnings in Oregon.

Sea Salts French Fry

Fox Sr. Doe - we are so excited to have this girl!!

Dream Bunnies Dizzy Lizzy

Sable Point Senior doe from Dream Bunnies Rabbitry in Wisconsin.

Urban Hops Hermon

Chestnut senior Doe. Out of Onward Acres Boulder x Urban Hops Chocolate

Urban Hops Cadence

Chinchilla young senior Doe.
Urban Hops Blueberry x Onward Acres Chinny

Urban Hops Terra Nova

Tort young senior Doe. Onward Acres Walnut x Reeders Farmhouse Sweet Mae

Urban Hops Moana

Just turned Senior
Broken Blue Doe
Sire: Urban Hops King
Dam: Southern Bleu Aurora

Urban Hops Fiona

Broken blue doe
Sire: Urban Hops King
Dam: Urban Hops Shasta

Urban Hops Minnie Mouse

Black otter doe
Sire: RHR/LLL Beep (chocolate otter)
Dam: Urban Hops Shasta

Urban Hops Jasmine

Broken Siamese Sable jr. Doe
Sire: RHR & LLL Beep (chocolate otter)
Dam: Urban Hops Shasta (broken blue)

Urban Hops TinkerBell

Orange doe
Sire: Dream Bunnies Cream Pie (lilac cream)
Dam: L&R Angelou (black)

Urban Hops Raya

Black Jr. Doe
Sire: Urban Hops King (black)
Dam: Dream Bunnies Dizzy Lizzy (sable point)

Urban Hops Hershey Kiss

Chocolate Tan Doe

F1 and F2 Holland Lops

This is a side project we are working on! We are trying to get chest, heavy bone, and thick ears into our barn, so we worked with what we had and did a ND/HL cross. The blue otter doe is a result of that. Her sister had these F2 girls in the bottom photo. We will keep breeding them back to our HL to get hopefully fix some problems in our herd.

Urban Hops Rory (blue Otter) - F1
Urban Hops _____ (Fox) - F2
Urban Hops ______ (Tort) - F2

Rabbit Care & Favorite Products

There is a lot of bad information online, and below are a few links and some advice that have good info from people who have actually RAISED rabbits. Personal experience is way more valid than all the blogs and pet websites on google who are just repeating what they've read without doing the research. Since I only have 7 years experience raising rabbits (counting recent years and my years raising rabbits as a teenager), i wanted to have a place I could gather together good information for newer breeders.

I've also included my favorite products below.


Please remember that rabbits are EXOTIC pets. They love to chew, and They are prey animals, and this shapes how they react and how they view the world. They learn to like people, but they do not respond to people the same way a cat or a dog does, and really, we wouldn't want them to! I love the personalities of my bunnies.

Cage Information

It is NOT cruel or inhumane to keep rabbits in wire bottom cages – this is actually the BETTER practice for most breeds, as rabbits are incredibly prone to gastrointestinal diseases spread on the ground and by feces, so keeping them safe on wire bottom cages is in their best interest. You are FREE to let your house bunny roam, and keep them in an elaborate pen if you want – but please don’t judge the responsible breeders out there who are raising bunnies to the standards of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, and choosing to keep their herd safe and super sanitary. We love our 15+ bunnies just as much as you love your bunny (bunnies!)! 😉

Feeding your Bunny

Please don't get carried away with how much your rabbit loves treats! They really aren't good for him. If you MUST feed greens and veggies, ONLY do so when they are 6 months or older. Even then, ONLY provide one little tsp of treats per day. I'm not joking when I say that it could be deadly. Dwarf breeds have a much more sensitive gastrointestinal tract than larger breeds. If you want to just feed your bunny treats whenever you want, a dwarf breed is not for you.

Preventive Meds

These are tried and true, and recommended by many long time rabbit breeders.


This is much more balanced and accurate information than the rescue groups/mainline Google information.

Lots of Lops - Rabbit Care


This article gives some balance to the rediculous amount of information against wire cages on the internet.

Lots of Lops - Wire Cages


If you have a "crunchy" streak like me, you might appreciate this guide that gives some natural remedies for common illness. Of course, take with a grain of salt! ;)

Natural Remedies

Illness Treatment Chart

Here's some more good information about how to treat illness. This list has more traditional medicines listed also.

Illness Treatment Chart


This was so helpful for me when i first started raising Hollands, and i still refer to it from time to time.

Holland Lop Type Comparison

Bunny Color

A great resource if you need help identifying rabbit colors.

What Color is My Bunny


This has some good ideas on how to get a stubborn doe to want to breed. Like her, I think it should be done naturally and I don't want to force it.

Breeding Stubborn Does

How to Win at an Arba Convention

Super helpful YouTube video about the correct Holland Lop from an experienced, nationally competitive breeder.

How to Win at an ARBA Convention


This is what I give my babies when they are about 4 weeks old, and then i treat my entire herd twice a year. It kills Coccidia.


All Things Bunnies

This is my favorite bunny supply store! I have bought my tattoo pen here, as well as medicines and food cups and cage tags. This is where i get my Rowe Hydralite.

All Things Bunnies


This is the cage company I use and recommend! I have also bought supplies and food cups from them, as well as my posing table.

KW Cages

DuMOR Heavy-Duty Rabbit Hutch Kit

I also use and like these cages, although i do wire them together to keep them more sturdy.

Dumor 24x24 Cage

Lixit water bottles

These are my favorite water bottles!

Lixit Water Bottles

Grass mats

I like to get these for my bunnies occasionally. They don't last long but the bunnies adore them. :)

40 piece Grass Mats

Balls for Bunnies

My bunnies love to push these around their cages!

Balls for Bunnies

Wiffle Balls

I think these are my bunnies all time favorite ball and chew toy.

Set of Wiffle Balls

Beads to make Hanging Toys

I bought this and took them off of the log, and fastened one end to a small D clip, and then clipped it to the top of the cage. They have lasted well and the bunnies love them.

DIY Hanging Toy Wooden Beads Kit

Hay and Willow Stick toy

This is a new one I'm trying. Since they are more expensive, I completely take it apart, and only putting in one of the hay chew chunks on one of my hanging wood bead toys.

Hay and Twig chew toy

Carrot and Willow Chew Toy

This is a new one I'm trying. Since they are more expensive, I completely take it apart, and only putting in one of the carrot chew chunks on one of my hanging wood bead toys.

Carrot and Twig Chew Toy

DIY Hanging Chew Kit

This is a cute kit with lots of variety. You can use it to make a few hanging toys, or you can use it in with the hanging wooden beads kit to stretch the fun pieces onto more toys.

DIY Variety Hanging Toy Kit

Baby Toys to Hang

I have some bunnies who have absolutely adored these toys! I just hang them on a wire or string from the top of the cage. Works especially well for really busy bunnies.

Baby Toy Set #1

Baby Toy Rattles for Bunny

I have some bunnies who have absolutely adored these toys! I just hang them on a wire or string from the top of the cage. Works especially well for really busy bunnies.

Baby Toy Set #2

Holland Lop Structure

How to assess a Holland Lop for show.

Past Holland Lops

These are rabbits we have owned and used for breeding.

SHB Creamsicle

Broken orange buck. Sire of Urban Hops Chocolate

SHB Jessa

Chestnut doe - dam of Urban Hops Chocolate

CR & DB Poppy

Broken Black doe. Dam to Urban Hops Blueberry

Henry's Tally

Squirrel buck - sire to Urban Hops Blueberry.

Onward Acres Boulder

Chestnut buck. Sire to Tabor and Hermon

Southern Bleu Zephyr

Broken black buck. Sire to Shasta, Gerizim, and Denali.

Urban Hops Blueberry

Sire to King Pin, Queen Bee, and Cadence

Onward Acres Chinny

Chinchilla Doe. Dam to Alpine, Fiji, and Cadence.

Onward Acres Walnut

Tort buck. Sire to Terra Nova and Cantata

Urban Hops Gerizim

Broken Sable Senior Buck. Sire to a broken tort and broken black does from Terra Nova and broken black doe from Shadow.

Urban Hops Fiji

Chinchilla senior doe. Dam to broken Sable Chin buck and chestnut buck and broken chestnut buck.

Urban Hops Cantata

Broken Tort Senior Buck. Sire to our pet bunny, Urban Hops Rocky. An opal.

Onward Acres Shadow

Black Senior Doe. Dam of King, Queen Bee, and Urban Hops Elsa.

Urban Hops Chocolate

Sire: SHB Creamsicle (broken orange)
Dam: SHB Jessa (chestnut)

Dam to Urban Hops Hermon and Urban Hops Mufasa.

Reeders Sweet Mae

Black Sr. Doe

Offspring: Urban Hops Terra Nova

Urban Hops Shasta

Broken blue doe.

Mother to: Urban Hops Fiona and Urban Hops Jasmine.

Urban Hops King

Black Sr. Buck. Sire of many babies!

Dream Bunnies Cream Pie

Lilac Cream Buck. Sire of Urban Hops Prince Charming and Urban Hops Tinkerbell.

Southern Bleu Aurora

Blue Tort Broken doe. Mother to Urban Hops Moana and Urban Hops Rory.