The Great Teen Girl Novel Readathon

14 Dec 2022

Despite my despair at the abyss of seemingly unending nostalgia bait projects being churned out ad nauseam these days, I bring another such projects…but for books.

Recent Posts

Again, But Better!!!

Back again, again. Nothing too extravagant, just a-letting you know where I’ve been for the past two years. And maybe, maybe, a long-form project or two.

Fuck J.K. and Fuck You, Too!

If you’re someone who professes to be dedicated to social justice causes you can’t keep jumping through hoops to qualify continued support of a bigot for the sake of childhood nostalgia.

Y’all Need to Fuckin’ Read

Take it upon yourself to find the full context of the things you see, especially when it comes to celebrities and other people of influence.

3 Additional Mini Reviews

I’ve got some extra time to spare, so let’s talk about some of the stuff I’ve been into real quick. Three stuff’s, to be exact.

Send in the Clowns

The conversation around “Joker” has swerved very hard and very fast into hyperbole, and these Olympian levels of reaching are causing a lot of undue panic.

On the Little Mermaid

It’s the funniest thing to see white people yammer on about white representation whenever a character is racebent. They just can’t not run their mouths about everything.

On Captain Marvel Mania

The arguments over Captain Marvel are ridiculous. People are out here camping like their lives depend on it. I really want this movie to be gone already.

2019 Resolutions & Goals

After much tired, I’m ready to kick off 2019 with some solid yearly resolutions. I’m going to really try and not fuck it up, folks. Promise.

On Awards Shows

Awards shows are antiquated and elitist. Rather than suggesting ways to change them to be “more inclusive” can we just all collectively stop giving a shit about them?

Track Listing

💿 Album Reviews, 🎺 Music News, 🎸Nostalgia

Baduizm — 6.5 / 10

🎧 Jan. 16, 2024

Urban Hang Suite — 8 / 10

🎧 Jan. 17, 2024

Brown Sugar — 7 / 10

🎧 Jan. 17, 2024

Broke with Expensive Taste — 10/10

🎧 Feb. 22, 2024

Kingfish — 7/10

🎧 Feb. 27, 2024

Dangerously in Love — B6/B10

🎧 Feb. 29, 2024

An Evening with Silk Sonic — 6/10

🎧 Mar. 17, 2024

Ventura — 6/10

🎧 Mar. 18, 2023

Cowboy Carter — 6/10

🎧 Mar. 30, 2024

Volcano — 6/10

🎧 Jun. 20, 2024